I'm just gonna make this thread to set the record straight. I'm not gonna start posting regularly again. And I don't have any problems with the regular members here, and people i've argued with, its all water under the bridge. I just got told that people were running their mouth about me, i'm glad I can bring some entertainment to your life's, butterflies and yourmum. That wasn't my twitter account. And I was not some nutter called praetor? And where the fuck did I ever claim to have Irish heritage?
So thanks too Midwife for pointing out I was murphy
(which is from robocop) I just wanted to get my original account back at WP, and still had a grudge against the site. But this is in the past now. I guess if anyone's got something to say, they can on this thread. Or you can talk to me back on WP when i'm back on there, instead of gossiping like a couple of old women.
I thought it was better than people thinking you were Praetor. My apologies.
I guess people like butterflies has nothing much better to do with her life, well internet gossip probably is her life, I guess thats what sad little twerps are all about 
No worries. I think anyone with a brain cell would know I wouldn't do all that anyway.
I think most people know you're not the person who's been hassling Emlion with sick PMs, although she still doesn't seem too keen on you.
I have a life. You spend days on WP demonsrating your epic butthurt at the fact that WP has a womans, and GLBT forum, but no mens forum. If you had any kind of life, it is unlikely that such things would bother you.
She doesn't? I get on pretty well with her actually.
It doesn't bother me, I was just making a point. And I was pissed off at the site, cause of being banned by sins cause she's a psycho. I'm sure you do have a life, if nattering about WP on i2 and i2 on WP is your life, thats your choice, I wouldn't begrudge you of that.
I thought she told you that it would be best if you kept away from her. Sadly I can't find the post.
I don't natter on about I2 on WP.
If you don't begrudge me my right to natter on about WP on I2, then why the fuck are you calling me out about it?
There's no point in somebody like you criticizing my life. I already have far more in my life than you will ever be able to aspire to.