....bint wanted to fuck this guy.

...she wanted to fuck you?
Now that really would be funny. She likes guys without a penis, so I guess tha fact that schleed can't see his, got her interest

She bottled out of seeing me, and rage, and any other guys she wanted to meet. I've got nothing against Bint though, she may try and act like a biatch, but she's actually a nice girl, and means well.
Oh, and sorry clutterthighs/gutterthighs/slutterflies/shuttereyes I thought we were done arguing. I'm sure you have achieved more than I will in your online life, i'll give credit where its due. I've said what I wanted, and i'm not gonna get dragged into bitching contest on here like you want. If you wanna try and wind me up on WP, thats up to you. But yes, i've said enough. See you all when I see ya.