
Author Topic: Narcissism  (Read 9575 times)

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« on: October 30, 2006, 11:49:15 AM »
Am I the only one here who thinks that Hypnotica_Gaze is the most crushingly boring person that ever lived?

For a start all she ever talks about is how good looking she thinks she is but whos she trying to kid? All of the photos she's ever displayed have been edited beyond recognition (brightness up really high and contrast really low) and yet she still looks like a heavyweight boxer in a syrup.  :evillaugh:

To be quite frank I just find it really insulting and patronising the way she often says things like, "Oooh if you're lucky I'll give you access to my Photobucket account, etc, etc" as though it's some sort of exclusive privelege to look at photos of some pathetic Internet dickhead... yes, I may have Aspergers, but I'm not that fucking desperate.

Infact I took the liberty of uploading a couple of her pictures to the My Heritage web site. Since she seems so sure of herself that she is God's gift I had wondered if the reason why I don't find her even remotely attractive was because there was something wrong with me, but I can't say that I was surprised when half the matches that came up were of male celebrities. Even a computer that is designed to analyse the contours of peoples' faces can't tell whether she's meant to be male or female!!!!

Anyway, having witnessed how spiteful she can be to those whom she perceives as a threat I decided to post this anonymously. There's no way I'm going to reveal my identity knowing how much she seems to enjoy spouting bullshit and spreading rumours about people that she doesn't like. To be fair that's all she's good at, insulting people and bullshitting.  :wanker:

Just incase anyone is in any doubt I put this together:

The DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria for Narcissistic  Personality  Disorder are:
A pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need  for admiration, lack of empathy,  as indicated by at least five  of:

1. a grandiose sense of self-importance

Quote from: Hypnotica_Gaze
...ive never met a guy even remotely worth submitting to or passing the reigns over to for a while...

Quote from: Hypnotica_Gaze
I care about certain people, certain types of people (those who have been lucky to get close enough to me)...

Quote from: Hypnotica_Gaze
Quote from: PeterMacKenzie
Fill in the blank:
Hypnotica:  Let's have sex.
Man:  No.
Hypnotica: ... say
"are you gay?"

2.  is preoccupied with fantasies  of unlimited success, power, brilliance,  beauty, or ideal love

Quote from: Hypnotica_Gaze
im gifted like i was moulded by the god of love himself.

Quote from: Hypnotica_Gaze
Note for the other males at Intensity............i actually havent showed Peter my erotica collection, therefore do not get jealous or send him hate mail.

Quote from: Hypnotica_Gaze
Mcjagger i would offer you nudes to examine however.....your a married man and i dont want a stalker, so i think i shall take a pass.

3. believes that he or she is "special"  and can only be understood by, or should associate  with, other  special or high-status people (or institutions)

Quote from: Hypnotica_Gaze
...ive never met anyone "worthy" of relationship status. ::)

Quote from: Hypnotica_Gaze

Even if he was interested im too high maintenance, particular and out of his league and he knows it.

Quote from: Hypnotica_Gaze
I dont really like mixing with people much, im very specific and way to picky about the type of people i dont mind being around me...

4. requires  excessive  admiration

Quite simply all of her posts reek of desperation for attention, so I'll just quote this as an example:

Quote from: Hypnotica_Gaze
Quote from: Nomaken
I wanna make a list of all fantasy creatures.

Am i on the list? ;)
Oh please!!!!  :LMAO:

5. has a sense of entitlement, ie unreasonable  expectations  of especially favourable treatment or automatic compliance with  his  or her expectations

I couldn't find any quotes that matched this part of the criteria but to be fair it's not an easy thing to find evidence of in a message board environment. But not to worry because five of the criteria are all that's required!

6. is interpersonally exploitative,  ie takes advantage of  others to achieve his or her own ends

Quote from: Hypnotica_Gaze
Pyraxis, of course id out manipulate you, my survival instincts coupled with...well look at my avatar and read back my old posts and some of the replies, if that doesnt answer your question, just feel content in the knowledge that id out manipulate you simply because i could.

Quote from: Hypnotica_Gaze
...i could phone my dad, then get him to do it which hed do something alot worse, then i could get him sent to jail :D
Two birds one stone. :P

Quote from: Hypnotica_Gaze
I could let you think you managed to manipulate me, then at the last minute give you the big surprise that you had been totally played, therefore fullfilling my goals aswell as crushing your ego.

7.  lacks empathy and is unwilling to  recognize or identify with the  feelings and needs of others

Quote from: Hypnotica_Gaze
I go into town to shop, not to get plagued by people moaning about women in Africa having AIDS and how theyre upset theyre 5 or 6 children will have noone to look after them when theyre dead. Not my problem, just stop them pushing out so many kids when they know they have AIDS and are likely gonna pass the virus on, any real mother wouldnt give her child a death sentence if it could be avoided.

Quote from: Hypnotica_Gaze
Sorry im just laughing at how pathetic and moronic you make yourself sound which is rather sad however, i love people like you they are so amusing to watch.

Quote from: Hypnotica_Gaze
...i couldnt care less if she was sitting over a table with a bottle of anti-depressants in her hand, but well thats just because im not the warm and fuzzy type, and cant be arsed with people who come across as morons. ;D

8. is often  envious of others  or believes that others are envious of him or her

Quote from: Hypnotica_Gaze
Nah girls arent stupid enough to get into a physical fight with me, theyre too busy hating me from a distance

Quote from: Hypnotica_Gaze
Yeah i cant put on weight at all, i tried for a while when i was in mid teens then was like nah fuck it whats the point when im happy with my body, im the way im meant to be, why bother making myself ill trying to conform to "average" just to get rid of other girls bitching and moaning about my size because theyre gutted they arent automatically thin and have to try work at it constantly to get thin or stay thin.

Quote from: Hypnotica_Gaze
Girls i knew (not friends though) hated my guts because guys always asked me out and they hated me even more for turning guys down, as if it was a bad thing to behave like a lady, be choosey and have standards. I was never really looking for a bloke which probably wounde them up more as they were always on the man-hunt and decent guys werent interested.

Just a piece of advice here. If you really do get hostility from females it's probably got more to do with your foul personality and your conviction that you are superior to them, not jealousy.

9. shows  arrogant,  haughty behaviours or attitudes

Quote from: Hypnotica_Gaze
Eamonn, the girls in Glasgow are usually very eager beavers, i am not included in that category i think i was genetically modified somehow, and to knock a girl back she usually has to be interested in the first place, big mouth or otherwise, i know your crushed arent you i took a pass.

Quote from: Hypnotica_Gaze
My problem when i go out, are the bitchy girls be they neds or otherwise who love to comment on me being a "skinny anorexic stuck up bitch" etc because i dont behave the same way they do (ie like a cheap slapper)...

Quote from: Hypnotica_Gaze
I think with me it was just the fact i aint a slag and i wasnt looking for someone, that appealed to my old friends, the old "wanting what you know you cannot have" thing or wanting to get access to the unattainable.

P.S. Won't the real Hypnotica please stand up (please stand up, please stand up)?



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Re: Narcissism
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2006, 11:51:29 AM »
Hello Robert.


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Re: Narcissism
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2006, 11:54:31 AM »
Can you diagnose me next?

Hypnotica is pretty :cat:.


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Re: Narcissism
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2006, 11:55:24 AM »
Hello Robert.

Darn, you beat me to the punch, I was about to say "Hello RobertN". :P  Speaking of narcissistic ::)

Careful folks, I think I detected some E-coli at the start of this thread! :darnit: :shitfan: :happypuke:
« Last Edit: October 30, 2006, 11:59:18 AM by Chaos »


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Re: Narcissism
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2006, 12:00:21 PM »
Nah, its more Omega's style.  :wanker:

Offline Callaway

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Re: Narcissism
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2006, 12:01:17 PM »
I don't believe that RobertN would be capable of doing something like this all by himself.

If it is he, then he had lots of help from his friends.

« Last Edit: October 30, 2006, 12:04:48 PM by Callaway »


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Re: Narcissism
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2006, 12:02:43 PM »
I want to see what else you can uncover about Hypnotica_Gaze's true personality rather than using an online personality as a basis for your argument -- for all you know it could be fabricated.

All I'm seeing here is bitterness and resentment, nothing more.

But don't we just love a live feud, folks?
« Last Edit: October 30, 2006, 12:04:20 PM by Pride »


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And now for some feud music.
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2006, 12:08:58 PM »

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Re: Narcissism
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2006, 12:11:14 PM »
I thought it was highly entertaining to read. I smell Omega too (though I'm not 100% certain).

To the one who wrote it: Now that you've made this detailed a study of Hypnotica's online persona, you have all the tools you need to emulate it. Just think, you could get all the reactions that she does. You'd like that, wouldn't you?
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.


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Re: Narcissism
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2006, 12:13:45 PM »
Omega, with contributions from DivaD, perhaps? :moon:


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Re: Narcissism
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2006, 12:15:19 PM »
Omega, with contributions from DivaD, perhaps? :moon:

Anyway, the "guest" is still around.

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Re: Narcissism
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2006, 12:16:58 PM »
My best guess is it is one or more of RobertN's so-called friends who knew he had just been unbanned and decided to use him as the fall guy.  The sad thing is, he still thinks that they are his friends.


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Re: Narcissism
« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2006, 12:18:03 PM »
lol feel free to project your insecurities onto me. I think i will stick to professional opinions not some desperate bitter loser. :laugh:

Im not the one whos a fantasist/dillusional headcase or so bitter that someone doesnt want to be with me and that everyone else knows the truth that he resorts to last ditch attempts for revenge (rather pathetically lame attempts too) ;D. Btw any closer to gaining shemales affection? nah didnt think so. Oh and do say hi for me since im aware shes behind this on some level, i felt a tiny bit of pity for her, (not just due to her apparent flaws and her obvious negatives) but when her true colours were exposed, she must have been so gutted she couldnt wrap everyone round her finger anymore besides you and well when the excuses trying to get sympathy etc didnt work she must have been devastated (given her obvious issues, funny you call me a narcissist when most people felt she was one and only went in a huff when she realised she wasnt the sex goddess she wanted to come across as, but then again most people are smarter than you at deciphering the hidden messages etc). There there its ok, dont cry, im sure we can get you a good therapist, but i think you will need to take the meds. :angel:

Btw youd make a shit psychiatrist, mind you thats very obvious given your poor judgement skills especially when it comes to trying to work people out, picking friends, associates etc. :green:

My Photobucket? whats wrong you miffed you never got a peek, i tell you what i will post some pics just for you and your not so genuine as you think friend. I dont imagine youve got much to do, well unless youve went back to trying to threaten people with having their kids taken away from them again.

Word of advice sweetie,  :-* your really wasting your time with me, because as much as im not the way you think, boy do i love watching you and your buddies make arses of yourself and trying to disguise your insecurities, flaws, inadequaces, and instead trying to project them onto others, who arent pathetic sly tossers. ;D

Thank you for making another thread for me, its so sweet of you to feed a supposed narcissist. :laugh:

Pride he/she cant uncover anything about my personality, Robert hasnt corresponded with me, hes just talking out of his arse for his "sweetie" again, and even if i did chat with him to let him try analyse me, well we both know hed get it wrong still, after all he choose to befriend the biggest sly buggers out, who use him, and take the piss behind his back, whilst shagging eachother and laughing at his crush.

Its all good though, not exactly the opinion of someone who is an accurate or good judge of character, and like something Pyraxis once said, all publicity is good publicity, bad or otherwise, however i think you should try the publicity thing for Omega, she is desperately needing and wanting the attention more than me. :-*


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Re: Narcissism
« Reply #13 on: October 30, 2006, 12:21:55 PM »
Am I the only one here who thinks that Hypnotica_Gaze is the most crushingly boring person that ever lived?

Then why write about her? That's what I don't understand.


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Re: Narcissism
« Reply #14 on: October 30, 2006, 12:25:14 PM »
Thank you for making another thread for me, its so sweet of you to feed a supposed narcissist. :laugh:

 :clap: +
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.