lol feel free to project your insecurities onto me. I think i will stick to professional opinions not some desperate bitter loser.

Im not the one whos a fantasist/dillusional headcase or so bitter that someone doesnt want to be with me and that everyone else knows the truth that he resorts to last ditch attempts for revenge (rather pathetically lame attempts too)

. Btw any closer to gaining shemales affection? nah didnt think so. Oh and do say hi for me since im aware shes behind this on some level, i felt a tiny bit of pity for her, (not just due to her apparent flaws and her obvious negatives) but when her true colours were exposed, she must have been so gutted she couldnt wrap everyone round her finger anymore besides you and well when the excuses trying to get sympathy etc didnt work she must have been devastated (given her obvious issues, funny you call me a narcissist when most people felt she was one and only went in a huff when she realised she wasnt the sex goddess she wanted to come across as, but then again most people are smarter than you at deciphering the hidden messages etc). There there its ok, dont cry, im sure we can get you a good therapist, but i think you will need to take the meds.

Btw youd make a shit psychiatrist, mind you thats very obvious given your poor judgement skills especially when it comes to trying to work people out, picking friends, associates etc.

My Photobucket? whats wrong you miffed you never got a peek, i tell you what i will post some pics just for you and your not so genuine as you think friend. I dont imagine youve got much to do, well unless youve went back to trying to threaten people with having their kids taken away from them again.
Word of advice sweetie,

your really wasting your time with me, because as much as im not the way you think, boy do i love watching you and your buddies make arses of yourself and trying to disguise your insecurities, flaws, inadequaces, and instead trying to project them onto others, who arent pathetic sly tossers.
Thank you for making another thread for me, its so sweet of you to feed a supposed narcissist. 
Pride he/she cant uncover anything about my personality, Robert hasnt corresponded with me, hes just talking out of his arse for his "sweetie" again, and even if i did chat with him to let him try analyse me, well we both know hed get it wrong still, after all he choose to befriend the biggest sly buggers out, who use him, and take the piss behind his back, whilst shagging eachother and laughing at his crush.
Its all good though, not exactly the opinion of someone who is an accurate or good judge of character, and like something Pyraxis once said, all publicity is good publicity, bad or otherwise, however i think you should try the publicity thing for Omega, she is desperately needing and wanting the attention more than me.