I just posted about cakes, but I want to ask about sex.
(just kidding. I am not McJagger.)
I am curious if you can make confections as well as cakes.
I am a baker. I make all kinds of really cool shit, but I can not seem to get the hang of creating confectionery goodies.
Any clues to share?
I've never made candy at work, just baked goods, and those often involve mixes. 
Yeah, I get mixes to produce things from flour. Does not matter what, I get all the chemistry, done it for half my life, baking is a piece of cake, mostly, all the hard work, all the touchy feely stuff that sets one mix different from or than another.
WHAT makes one recipe work one way and a similar recipe (mostly the same but needs to be kneaded differently or left half not mixed and shit, or what ever - I get it as far as the chemistry changes things and I have done it ALL, but what THF is with space/time considerations in baking? It should only be either one or the other, but NOT both or all three, five, seven, eleven or thirteen, if you are counting! There are just too many ways to make it right, but there is NO ONE way to make it actually work !! dude!!
I, well we - had successes and failures and fucking ATE every one regardless of success or failure- biut why in fuck does it sometimes work another way when all else was done the same?
While I Love baking, it sucks and I also HATE it!
The question remains unanswered.
I am with you. I do this as well.
Not sure If I ever want to work through this again, but I still have recipes that I want to try!!