My daughter was "freaking me out", earlier this evening. She became overly affectionate, complimenting everyone about everything, hugging all of us, telling us how important we were to her and how much she loves us, making semi-appropriate eye contact (DAMN good eye contact for a five year old autistic).
She usually hides how well she can read, somewhat, and pretends to struggle at times, because she doesn't like the idea of growing up (see, she's a really smart little girl!) and tonight she read stuff from her brother's, much more advanced, books like it was a breeze for her (which it is, but she's private about some stuff). I don't understand it at all.
What ever she went through today, we need to find more of it, because her focus and attention were outstanding! At this point, I'm assuming she's imitating a character, but it seemed so strange, maybe even NT-ish.