I would like to be more sexually experimentive, but it rarely seems worth the effort given the results I get.
Have you ever considered that being more experimental might actually improve the results you get? After all arousal isn't just physical
I think he means his experiments usually don't go well.
Yeah, they always end up as a damp squib.

You'd think wanking with copious quantities of deep heat rub would be stimulating, but nope; not really.
That said, I guess if I was really determined and kept trying things, I might hit on something, but it's pretty boring, and it's hard to be motivated when I'm pretty sure I'm not going to feel much. I did go <ahem> shopping recently though, so I'll play around a bit when the package arrives; I'm just not terribly optimisitic about what the effects will be.
I thought from reading his other post that it was that he struggles to climax 
Yes and no; I can get myself off, with a bit of effort, but only with one very specific technique. With a partner, I struggle not only to climax, but to even have sensation, to the point where I need to visually check if I'm 'in' or not; I seem to take far more physical stimulation to get off than a partner could realistically provide.
I also have issues with arousal when it comes to being with a partner; being with someone just isn't usually much of a turn-on for me. Sometimes I'll be physically aroused, and that's when I last forever, but other times my body doesn't seem to give a damn that someone's sucking my cock or whatever, and I've never felt mentally aroused while with someone; I've always felt pretty disconnected from the whole process.