I think I'm gonna cum in my pants, before I even get there!
That's certainly an interesting post, so did you? 
I was JUST able to control myself ...
working Hammond B3 has been obtained by a group of kid musicians I do some funwork with. They have a jazz band at a local church and one of the kids found the organ at the high school in a storage room. It's not on the school inventory, so until further noticed they let the kids take it to the church.
I spent about forty minutes on the phone this afternoon with one kid, cautioning (it's got over four hundred volts direct current inside it) and aiding to hook it all up properly and power it up for the first time in many years (could have been dangerous if not done with some awareness of "ancient" tube electronics), but all is well. It has apparently had a decent service upgrade sometime in the eighties, before it was stored at the school. While it may not sound like a big deal to some jazz bands, these guys are rockers and do a funky, punk style of jazz, that I really like. This behemoth will add a lot to their sound.
Stolen pic for example:
It doesn't look like much here, but this is the sound of sixties and seventies pre-Moog synthesizer rock and roll keyboards! (think >> Deep Purple's sound)I have re-worked many of these to fit in cases and cut the legs off, mounted the pedals on separate bases, removced the amps and placed all the guts in cases ... all in the name of R-n-R!!
I got to play it for a good bit today. I'm no good, but I fake it well by staying on the black keys, but I have no ability to keep rhythm, alone.