"People often mistaken me for something that I am not. Does the criticism hurt? Yes... but the best medicine is to ignore, and not give a shit."- Ian Mackalford
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yeah it is. it's why i like watching tv, i don't have to be a person at all then.
yeah i'm kinda obsessing about the spiritual stuff too at the moment, helps pass the time if nothing more. i've made more bloopers than i wish to remember, but every mistake gets you closer to finding that balance, just gotta keep trying. it is sometimes really frustrating though. i keep trying to define myself somehow because i've always felt like something of an observer and entity instead of being a person.
yeah so my pun was a bit fawlty, sue me.
I might enjoy a whackjob, right now.
thanks Ozy. you mean you've witnessed other entities? PI, yeah, i think too much too, TV is great for reducing that. they say it stupifies, maybe so but hey they say also that ignorance is bliss.