i hope our genitalia talk wasn't what made you think of that, Jaggermeister. 

you never know what triggers a memory!
once, my best friend had to go visit a doctor for his back.
anyways the doctor that he visited shared an office with a sexual dysfunction specialist. so i grabbed a business card (the sexual dysfunction dr.)
after his visit we stopped by my grandparents for a visit and some lunch. after we got up off the sofa to leave i dropped the sexual dysfunction specialists card where on the sofa, where my friend was sitting.
we left.
about a week later i went all by myself to visit my grandparents. and my grandmother cornered me, and showed me the card. i played coy. but after much grilling i had to tell her. but i made her promise not to say anything to anybody that my beat friend was impotent at the ripe age of 21.
she gasped, and promised not to say anything.
i forgot to let my grandmother off the hook and tell her that i was kidding.
several months later my friend and i went for another visit (we liked going there because we ate for free, were allowed to smoke in the house and my grandparents were cool as shit).
my grandmother obviously forgot her promise to remain mum about what i had told her. i guess that the drama was too much and she needed more.
so she cornered my friend and gave him sympathy. "oh," she said, "i have been so worried about you. how is your little problem?"
the thing is, i never got around to letting my friend in on the joke.
now i only wish that i could remember their exact conversation. but alas, the account i heard was to come later that day from my friend.
we laughed and laughed.