
Author Topic: Post a random truth about yourself thread.  (Read 36584 times)

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Offline DirtDawg

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Re: Post a random truth about yourself thread.
« Reply #750 on: January 05, 2007, 06:40:14 AM »
Yup, I pull the dry skin off, but I do it until it is sore and looks ugly lol
If you ate it then, it would seem wierd, but some people do things like that subconsciously, because their body craves some nutrient and recycling is easier than foraging, again. It's those who keep it and then organize their little collection of skin fragments that many would have little in common with. Those people should learn the value of a kept secret.
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The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.


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Re: Post a random truth about yourself thread.
« Reply #751 on: January 05, 2007, 08:11:04 AM »
Lol, I certainly don't collect bits of it. That made me think of Hannibal Lector and that other guy in those movies for some reason... the one who makes things out of the skin of the women he kills.

As to eating it, if I do it is because I have chewed rather than pulled at it by hand. Anyways...stress/boredom habit. I have many. The other main one, which migth be a stim I think, I have had since I was 11.

I pull my eyebrows out. Anytime I am bored, stressed, thinking etc, I find my hand going up to there automatically, and it is incredibly difficult to stop.


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Re: Post a random truth about yourself thread.
« Reply #752 on: January 05, 2007, 08:59:49 AM »
Lol, I certainly don't collect bits of it. That made me think of Hannibal Lector and that other guy in those movies for some reason... the one who makes things out of the skin of the women he kills.

As to eating it, if I do it is because I have chewed rather than pulled at it by hand. Anyways...stress/boredom habit. I have many. The other main one, which migth be a stim I think, I have had since I was 11.

I pull my eyebrows out. Anytime I am bored, stressed, thinking etc, I find my hand going up to there automatically, and it is incredibly difficult to stop.

Sounds like you might have "trichotillomania" the hair pulling syndrome, very common in women.  My daughter has it and in 3rd grade she managed to pull out most of her eyebrows and eyelashes.  We wound up going to a child counselor and the all sorts of stuff for behavior modification.  That seems to be helping her keep it under control.  Very recently it was discovered that "Trich" has a genetic source which has helped us to understand whats going on.  With Amber, stress causes her to increase the hair pulling, IMO it's a kind of stim!  Like my lip picking habit, which I used to do as a kid until my lips bled.  With Amber at school she has it in her education plan to have things in her hand to fiddle with during class.  That also helps her to control the impulse to pull!  We have also noticed that the impulse is stronger in the shortest days of winter!


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Re: Post a random truth about yourself thread.
« Reply #753 on: January 05, 2007, 09:23:25 AM »
I pull my eyebrows and eyelashes, but just to pick away the damaged hairs in them.


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Re: Post a random truth about yourself thread.
« Reply #754 on: January 05, 2007, 09:34:35 AM »
I used to cut dead skin on my feet with a nail scissor until I cut into living flesh and it really hurt.

I did that a few times a few years ago- I just couldn't stand knowing that the dead skin was there.  I still pick away at any dead skin I can find anywhere on my body and if I cut myself I find it incredibly hard not to pick at it and leave it to heal.  Especially because it has become a kind of stim for me and I'm not always immediately aware that I am doing it.

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Re: Post a random truth about yourself thread.
« Reply #755 on: January 05, 2007, 09:51:39 AM »
I pull dry skin off, too, but I never stop in time. :(
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein


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Re: Post a random truth about yourself thread.
« Reply #756 on: January 05, 2007, 10:06:16 AM »
I pull dry skin off, too, but I never stop in time. :(

It's fight all the time!  I use a lot of lip balm in the winter dry months just to keep the picking at the dry lips at bay!


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Re: Post a random truth about yourself thread.
« Reply #757 on: January 05, 2007, 11:18:51 AM »
Oh, I have tried everything to try and curb my hair pulling. Have cut my nails to the quick before, but I still managed to latch onto the hairs  :laugh: I want so badly to have some eyebrows again as I look like a freak to me, but I just cannot seem to stop it.


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Re: Post a random truth about yourself thread.
« Reply #758 on: January 05, 2007, 11:49:07 AM »
Amber's pediatrician finally recommended a medication that can help control trich.  She's been on an anti depressant  called Fluvoxamine Maleate 75 milligrams.  It has worked to control it, it hasn't stopped, but it dramatically lessened.  That enabled us to work on behavior modifications that have also lessened the impulse.  She has been pretty good this year despite the season, starting high school and other stressors.  It has reached the point where we are going to start weaning her off the medication.  We'll start this summer at camp, since her picking is minimal there anyway.  She's having fun and she's kept busy.  She's been at her current dose for several years and it's our knowledge that the medication is not as effective anymore, because her body has grown and is better at metabolizing the drug.  So we'll cut it down to 50 mg and see what happens   The drug was only used to get a start on behavior mods and other learning skills  to handle the urges to pull.  None of us like to see her on it, but, the results speak for themselves!

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Re: Post a random truth about yourself thread.
« Reply #759 on: January 05, 2007, 01:42:45 PM »
If my thing say that Nightwish, Whiteskull or Singery is playing, it's very likely that I'm doing some creative writing.  Those are the only three bands I can currently write to.  all have female vocalists (the only power metal bands I have on itunes with female vocalists).  I don't know most of the lyrics to nay of their songs.  When I know the lyrics, they become distracting and it's harder to write.  Beyond that, I'm not quite sure why those three bands.
it is well known that PMS Elle is evil.
I think you'd fit in a 12" or at least a 16" firework mortar
You win this thread because that's most unsettling to even think about.

Offline DirtDawg

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Re: Post a random truth about yourself thread.
« Reply #760 on: January 06, 2007, 04:01:11 AM »

Oh, another Nightwish fan.  ^  Cool.

I can't afford five hundred dollars for a pair of aluminum, precision machined adapters. I'm making them out of wood, just like the rest of the project.
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Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

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Re: Post a random truth about yourself thread.
« Reply #761 on: January 13, 2007, 04:01:13 AM »
"samsara" sounds a lot like "samara" in the ring movies. i was watching the ring two earlier and in my head i kept thinking of PMS Elle's custom title "samsara sucks and then you moksha"


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Re: Post a random truth about yourself thread.
« Reply #762 on: January 13, 2007, 10:04:02 AM »
So glad others like Nightwish, did I convert you, DD lol?

Random truth...hmm... I pick my nose a lot still lol


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Re: Post a random truth about yourself thread.
« Reply #763 on: January 13, 2007, 12:14:22 PM »
So glad others like Nightwish, did I convert you, DD lol?

Random truth...hmm... I pick my nose a lot still lol

"You can pick your nose, you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your friends nose."  Then again, some people here might just like that! :eyebrows: :P

Oh, I pick my nose too......when nobodies looking! :green:


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Re: Post a random truth about yourself thread.
« Reply #764 on: January 13, 2007, 03:31:22 PM »
Yeah, but it's more acceptable for a man to pick his nose... women are meant to be these bloody delicate, non nose picking, non farting, non swearing beings...