I used to hate almost everything about the way I look, until I had an epiphany a couple of years ago and started taking care of my hair and wearing clothes that complement my figure instead of hide it. There are still a lot of things about me that are not quite "there" yet, but none of them are things I would need a plastic surgeon for.
It took me decades to figure out what not to wear. I used to buy clothes that were absolutely wrong
for me, then feel misshapen because the clothes looked wrong. Now I know what to avoid. 
You avoid all clothes?
I avoid shirtwaist dresses for one thing, those are basically men's shirts, only longer, used as dresses.
My mother was a big proponent of them because they're supposedly classic/preppy, but I can't wear
that kind of straight-up-and-down silhouette any more than she could. Too broad in the beam. 
My daughter is built more like her maternal grandmother (short and sweet) than her mother or her paternal grandmother (my mom).
She is shortish (five feet, two inches tall at fifteen years of age, pretty much done growing tall) and (beautiful, but) she will never grow any taller.
Today she is gone to a state concert competition for her choir. I will go over about an hour before she performs, but as I drug my aching ass home yesterday, after the worst day, longest day in over a month, I was informed by my wife who was prepping to leave for work. that I was in charge of going BRA SHOPPING because none of her bras fit anymore.
Fuck me, I AM TIRED AND JUST WANT TO VEG OUT ON THE COUCH! Now I have to go shopping on a Friday evening!?! My wife was gracious and had worked with our daughter for a while and determined the size and style of bra that we needed to find. Her "Uniform Dress" for choir is strapless AND SHORT.
She has everything else set and she is ready to go on stage, except that all her bras are too small! So I wait until some of the rush hour traffic slows down and we head out.
Went to three stores looking for a suitable "strapless" bra for a fifteen year old girl in her size. They all had something similar but to find (probably one of the most popular sizes for this type of garment) the exact size was proving to be quite a treasure hunt.
So, we finally find her size (my fifteen tear old daughter is a thirty six "D"), but they only have it in BLACK!!! (FFS) and her costume/uniform is a light beige on top fading up from a nice dark sienna on the bottom. I warned her that it will not work.
(I was a portrait photographer for fourteen years, photographing many, MANY young women, most with really stupid mothers, and I know a bit about what colors do not disappear beneath other colors, most especially in stage lighting or strobe lighting situations)
Anyway after insisting that our "attendant" at a Kohl's store (our fourth stop, two hours into the search) go and check for back stock and waiting another twenty minutes, we finally came up with a workable solution - a beige, strapless bra in thirty six "D" but it cost me seventy eight dollars, FFS!!
To be handed such a task after such a long, hard day at work was like being forced to eat a fucking Bone Sandwich with Bird Shit Sauce, but to see my daughter's smile after it was all over, knowing that she looked like a "million bucks" in her outfit, made every step and every pain worth the trip!
I just smile, thinking back at all the thirty something women looking at me suspiciously invading the Bra Aisles of fancy shops, possibly assuming that I was some sort of pervo slime (I am sixty years old, quite grey, long beard and I have not cut my hair since last October -growing it a bit) dressing up a young, lovely teen in a fancy bra.