It seems that someone tattle-tale'ed to eclair that her bewbs got re-posted.
Does this person want to step forward?? 
No one, NO ONE should step forward, because at least some people had the decency to tell me what you had done. OK, so I tried to do the right thing and deal with you via PM and give you a chance to explain, or apologise. I was going to take it straight to a call out, but I actually respected that we had a friendship, or what I thought was a friendship of some sort once. And that all 'this' was friendly banter.
If you want to take it to something like this, when I've already outlined that you upset me and broke a trust, then so be it. You've done it again.
If you want to take it into a public forum here, then so be it. If that's your form of cheap entertainment, to call me out because I was upset with what you did, then fine.
If you are going to do it this way, then at least make it a private thread.