Author Topic: Post here if you drank too much and are suffering...  (Read 1577 times)

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Offline Eclair

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Post here if you drank too much and are suffering...
« on: March 18, 2011, 10:37:27 PM »
OK, so this is the thread where you share your hungover tales of woe...or suggest antidotes for the sore and sorry for themselves. sorry tale goes like this. (Please read with pity as it will take a fucking long time to write, as I correct my spelling errors due to my fragile posting state  :'()

NOTE: It's a long and sad tale....feel free to read in those excessively bored moments, or skip through it and post your remedies!


So, the consequences of a night of drinks with old workmates that were shouted for me. First mistake. Letting others control your alcohol intake!

Hungover...I stayed in my bed until just after midday today...soothing my ills with iced water and air conditioning. Then I decide I have to eat or I will die, but I can't drive to the shops because there would still be alcohol in my system. So I have to walk.

Why do you always crave the food you don't have in your house when you are hungover? Ugggh. Sooo, I'm craving tomato soup, right. This is important to note as the story unfolds. (Don't ask me why tomato soup, I've never craved it before with a hangover, so who knows - there's no logic to this fragile state!)

So, I start walking, it starts pissing down rain, but thankfully my hair is in a bun and I really don't care I feel so awful anyway.

I get to the supermarket, pity me, as it's a Saturday here and fucking packed with people. Not good when you're fragile...Ugggh.

Soup section. Tomato, tomato....mmm, chicken and corn? Mmm...pea and ham? What do I want...mmm, sicky, sicky feeling. Get all three. ::) I feel like tomatoes on toast? Mmm, mmm....tomatoes in basket....or do I want vegemite toast? Vegemite in basket. Should I get noodles, just in case....noodles in basket. Around this moment, I feel like jelly....but when heading to jelly cups in the refrigerator section, I go past pasta....mmm, should I get pasta for dinner? That would be nice and that moment, imagining whether I could eat pasta, I suddenly get a huge wave of much so I fear I could vomit right there and then in the grocery store. (And I'm NOT a vomiter, I have an aversion to it and suppress it)

Telling myself that if I do spew, I will just apologise and say I am pregnant (I know, not cool, but I am so fucking fragile, I don't care). The feeling of being hungover IS decidedly like what morning sickness is like too BTW.

I manage to get through the checkout, nausea wave has now gone back to the general sicky sicky get me the fuck away from here feeling.

I pass the fruit and veg shop. Grapes, green and purple....

Then I have to get white bread, because I can't stand the thought of eating my regular wholemeal seedy rye stuff or whatever it is for my tomatoes on toast.

OK, heading home...pass the food court. I hate the food court, any food court really.

Yeah well, here the fuck I am, half eaten pizza sub from Subway. When my initial trip was for tomato soup.  ::)

The pathetic tale of a hungover soul. This won't end until probably later tonight...this yucky sicky feeling. Blaaaah.

Offline renaeden

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Re: Post here if you drank too much and are suffering...
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2011, 11:31:59 PM »
Never been hungover but can imagine feeling sick and having a headache would be awful.

Can't order from Subway either, it is just too much for me. I get GA to do it heh. Hope you are feeling better after the pizza sub. I would eat one of those right now.
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Offline Eclair

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Re: Post here if you drank too much and are suffering...
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2011, 12:14:04 AM »
Never been hungover but can imagine feeling sick and having a headache would be awful.

Can't order from Subway either, it is just too much for me. I get GA to do it heh. Hope you are feeling better after the pizza sub. I would eat one of those right now.

I had tomatoes on toast too! :P

I seem to only order the pizza subs. With orange cheese, it has a name, but I always forget what their name for it is there as I don't have subway that often. By the time he got back to my sub, he went to put regular cheese on it. Yeah, spaz I am calls out 'Noo, I want orange cheeseesssseee!!!'...sounding like a 3 year old! :P

I used to like meatball subs, but those meatballs can't be good.

I feel like my tomato soup now. :P


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Re: Post here if you drank too much and are suffering...
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2011, 04:13:47 AM »
Never been hungover but can imagine feeling sick and having a headache would be awful.

Can't order from Subway either, it is just too much for me. I get GA to do it heh. Hope you are feeling better after the pizza sub. I would eat one of those right now.

I had tomatoes on toast too! :P

I seem to only order the pizza subs. With orange cheese, it has a name, but I always forget what their name for it is there as I don't have subway that often. By the time he got back to my sub, he went to put regular cheese on it. Yeah, spaz I am calls out 'Noo, I want orange cheeseesssseee!!!'...sounding like a 3 year old! :P

I used to like meatball subs, but those meatballs can't be good.

I feel like my tomato soup now. :P
I did some dumb shit while drinking but craving tomato soup wasn't one of those things.  :zombiefuck: :thumbdn: Even large amounts of pot or hash didn't give me munchies bad enough to want that shit.


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Re: Post here if you drank too much and are suffering...
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2011, 04:23:37 AM »
I always craved a lot of fried stuff when I was drinking.  Especially fried potatoes in any shape or form.  Afterwards, it depends on how bad it is.  No matter how much I drank, I never seemed to get really really bad hangovers thankfully.

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Re: Post here if you drank too much and are suffering...
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2011, 04:27:56 AM »
OK, so this is the thread where you share your hungover tales of woe...or suggest antidotes for the sore and sorry for themselves. sorry tale goes like this. (Please read with pity as it will take a fucking long time to write, as I correct my spelling errors due to my fragile posting state  :'()

NOTE: It's a long and sad tale....feel free to read in those excessively bored moments, or skip through it and post your remedies!


So, the consequences of a night of drinks with old workmates that were shouted for me. First mistake. Letting others control your alcohol intake!

Hungover...I stayed in my bed until just after midday today...soothing my ills with iced water and air conditioning. Then I decide I have to eat or I will die, but I can't drive to the shops because there would still be alcohol in my system. So I have to walk.

Why do you always crave the food you don't have in your house when you are hungover? Ugggh. Sooo, I'm craving tomato soup, right. This is important to note as the story unfolds. (Don't ask me why tomato soup, I've never craved it before with a hangover, so who knows - there's no logic to this fragile state!)

So, I start walking, it starts pissing down rain, but thankfully my hair is in a bun and I really don't care I feel so awful anyway.

I get to the supermarket, pity me, as it's a Saturday here and fucking packed with people. Not good when you're fragile...Ugggh.

Soup section. Tomato, tomato....mmm, chicken and corn? Mmm...pea and ham? What do I want...mmm, sicky, sicky feeling. Get all three. ::) I feel like tomatoes on toast? Mmm, mmm....tomatoes in basket....or do I want vegemite toast? Vegemite in basket. Should I get noodles, just in case....noodles in basket. Around this moment, I feel like jelly....but when heading to jelly cups in the refrigerator section, I go past pasta....mmm, should I get pasta for dinner? That would be nice and that moment, imagining whether I could eat pasta, I suddenly get a huge wave of much so I fear I could vomit right there and then in the grocery store. (And I'm NOT a vomiter, I have an aversion to it and suppress it)

Telling myself that if I do spew, I will just apologise and say I am pregnant (I know, not cool, but I am so fucking fragile, I don't care). The feeling of being hungover IS decidedly like what morning sickness is like too BTW.

I manage to get through the checkout, nausea wave has now gone back to the general sicky sicky get me the fuck away from here feeling.

I pass the fruit and veg shop. Grapes, green and purple....

Then I have to get white bread, because I can't stand the thought of eating my regular wholemeal seedy rye stuff or whatever it is for my tomatoes on toast.

OK, heading home...pass the food court. I hate the food court, any food court really.

Yeah well, here the fuck I am, half eaten pizza sub from Subway. When my initial trip was for tomato soup.  ::)

The pathetic tale of a hungover soul. This won't end until probably later tonight...this yucky sicky feeling. Blaaaah.

That's interesting that you craved tomato soup because I have heard of tomato juice as a hangover remedy.  Maybe your body knows what it needs.

I have never had a hangover.

Offline Eclair

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Re: Post here if you drank too much and are suffering...
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2011, 04:54:09 AM »
That's interesting that you craved tomato soup because I have heard of tomato juice as a hangover remedy.  Maybe your body knows what it needs.

I have never had a hangover.

Yeah, I had fresh tomatoes on toast as soon as I got back from the shops...then grazed on the Subway in the afternoon. Had the tomato soup about an hour ago.

You are way too sensible to get a hangover, I know. :) I used to be like that, but ocassionally I get led astray...I didn't think I drank that much, but I obviously did in hindsight, that I'm that sick, and I do remember someone saying to the guy buying drinks that he was buying drinks faster than we could drink them.

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Re: Post here if you drank too much and are suffering...
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2011, 05:07:12 AM »
never had a hangover

Drinking too much makes me need to peee sooner tho


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Re: Post here if you drank too much and are suffering...
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2011, 05:32:46 AM »
I have almost never had a hangover except for when drinking lots of red wine. Can drink lots of whisky and just be sweaty, tired and have to piss a lot.  :viking:

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Post here if you drank too much and are suffering...
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2011, 09:24:57 AM »
Oh Crap, you guys all need to drink more. I get hangovers. They suck really badly. Sleep is the only thing I can recommend. If you want to rehydrate yourself go sports drinks.
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.Benevolent if you toe the line.

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Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

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Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: Post here if you drank too much and are suffering...
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2011, 12:54:35 PM »
Hangover cure = two enormous greasy cheeseburgers, gallon of icewater, cold shower.
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Offline "couldbecousin"

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Re: Post here if you drank too much and are suffering...
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2017, 11:05:35 AM »
  The only hangover I ever had pretty much passed after my fourth puke  :P  and then I went to work,
  where I craved milk of all things (I seldom drink it), and my fingertips were a bit numb and I felt slow.
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Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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Re: Post here if you drank too much and are suffering...
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2017, 03:58:43 PM »
^ How does this differ from normal?  :autism:

Offline "couldbecousin"

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Re: Post here if you drank too much and are suffering...
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2017, 04:15:28 PM »
^ How does this differ from normal?  :autism:

  I'm actually very fast-moving when not sick or hungover.   :GA:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

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Re: Post here if you drank too much and are suffering...
« Reply #14 on: April 02, 2017, 10:20:41 AM »
  Too many carbs in my diet lately, now I have a headache and am tired. :violin:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

"We are grateful for the time we have been given."
--- Edward Walker, The Village

People forget.
--- The Who, "Eminence Front"