I have to be!
I just can't get around this, okay, look - - - - look
We exist right?
But we're lame.
As a whole, like, you know - humanity, we overconsume, overproduce, watch us do this, write books about how we keep doing it - in the books it says "we watch ourselves write books, but cant stop it. you cant stop yourself from reading it! help! heeelp!"
we're fuckin trapped!
what the hell, man, like seriously - and then what do we do!?
We make movies, and write books, about awesome people being awesome, only eating an apple, riding horses, battling monsters, saving humanity over and over and over, WHY CAN'T WE BE THAT!?
And I mean - ride like it mattered, like... like exactly IN the movies, nothing like "but in reality that - " no, that's my point, reality is lame as hell, and it always leads us right up to THIS - and what is THIS!? Mickey Mouse and Donald goddamn Duck!? NO!
Perpetual horseriding!!!
Like in the fuckin movies!
What universe is that in!?
War in the middle east!? OH IT MUST HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH IDUNNO *checks tv* EXTREMISTS! While they have ELVES, because we thought of it, because now it's an option, because now all another universe has to do is acomodate for that, just make it happen, just like we happened from lizards, and now we do THIS - THIS shit, THIS all of it, stuff like "Rick and Morty" - have you seen that? They too toy around with the idea of multiverses, can you believe how insane things get!?
So - in our multiverse atoms aligned in such a way as to manifest self-observation from the multiverses point of view, where this self-observation then proposed to re-create - aligning atoms at its own will - to create a visual representation of multiverses and their own self-observations, just the fact that I'm talking about Rick and Morty talking about multiverses IN this very multiverse, manifested as beings by its very own energy materialized as what we call atoms
See how lame it gets!? See how unlucky we are!?
See how much better they have it, where all they do is ride horses in the sunset!?