best reply so far.
It can sometimes be hard to stand in the face of the confusing emotional message of complaints because they're sometimes presented in an agressive tone. If it's not agressive then likely to be whiny; not sure which is uglier.
i know what you mean.,
growing up with my brother, we got used to just laughing at each others grievances, and in all honesty THAT is usually the reaction i prefer/expect when complaining about mundane stuff, such as crappy programs crashes or stuff, when people get all "stop complaining you whiny bitch" i simply feel misunderstood more than anything
other than my brother, ive met VERY few people who will react with laughter to my complaints. like ive said here a few times, most of the time i just want to vent, and let people laugh at my strife a little 
when it comes to politics and world affairs, im just exchanging opinions. anyone w a brain knows that i cant run to korea to fix things, or to sudan, or somalia, i find it pathetic when people suggest that to me
i think we all hate it when people tell us to do something thats not realistic... such as the school psych telling me to walk away from kids who upset me after i got in a fight and beat the shit out of them... the reply to said comment was "have you ever been punched in the back of the head or the kidney? it hurts... have you ever walked away from your parents when there trying to discipline you? it just gets you in more shit. walking away only works when shit isnt hitting the fan and if shits not hitting the fan then there is no reason to walk away"... people are idiots they will never stop being idiots and in the end we will just have to put up with them or shoot them are selves
a very obvious thing i thought of is that people love to
sound wise...
on this other forum im on, someones pushing someone else up against a corner, with the rethorical "what do you do when you see homeless people? do you just shake your head at them, or do you do everything in your power at making their lives better"

as if hes gabriel the angel himself............................
im staying out of that particular debate, cus ive allready told that guy hes a dick a bunch of times before, but yeah, THAT ATTITUDE
people will actually get all attitudey with you, and demand that you take hobos in, shower them, and offer them clean clothes, then insist thats exactly what they do, just cus they love to appear saintish. gragh, now im getting pissed off just thinking about it

donations too........ im staying out of those discussions, cus im sick of telling people im broke, on welfare, then spiraling into defending myself BEING on welfare, explaining what autism means, then explaining that im not necesarily like rain-man etc etc etc etc, but thats not even the point:
people LOVE to pretend they send all of their money to charity when they dont, then make others feel terrible for NOT sending money.
besides that, sending money doesnt really solve anything, its a way to feel better, which is exactly what theyre after. ok. getting annoyed again