Author Topic: Peegai  (Read 887 times)

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Offline Peter

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« on: April 11, 2006, 12:17:12 PM »
Quote from: peegai
Why is it that some couples need to highlight their love to people just because they are really, in reality, insecure, weak little shits who need the approval of others?

<Mentally demangles your sentence>

Yes, pretty much; I do it to cover up my insecurities and to fluff my ego by letting everyone know what a stud I am and how desirable I must be.  Do you have a problem with that?

C'mon, mock my looks or my single status, you pricks. I double dare you, you fucking insignifcant people who put value over romantic tripe such as this.

I mock thee, thou ugly singleton!
Not really, but you do though. :/

You might be pretty, and you might be getting laid, but you are still an autistic spaz. :o

Autistic spaz?  Even when I was 16, I was no spaz, and things have only improved since then.  Nowadays, the autism bit just seems to make people really like me and open up to me.  I also have no problem with my own exhibitionism; it makes me happy, whereas you seem rather bitter.  Perhaps you should try it; loosen up the old anus a little.

You tell me to loosen up on exhibitionism, but then I tell you to loosen up your ability to mock people's appearances who have the same difficulties as you do, though probably more extreme than yours, just because they have no luck with the opposite sex.

If your future offspring become more profoundly autistic, and unable to look after themselves, are you gonna say to them, "Well, you are ugly and will never get laid because you are not a stud like your daddy, blah, blah, blah." Of course you won't -- they are your blood. But when it comes to strangers, it's okay.

I personally don't think it's okay to mock people on what they look like, especially since they are like me. I might be an asshole, but at least I judge them for how they portray themselves, not for how they look.

When I say something online, I don't always mean it. I mean, when I say you are all "insecure, weak little shits", do I really mean that you are all "insecure, weak little shits"?

I like to point out that not only I'm guilty of judging people on their faults because they do it too, but those who accuse me of being judgemental are being judgemental themselves.

You've called me an autistic spaz, then accused me of being judgemental, so I'm charging you with being a hypocrite.  You've also called baby a 'piece of ass', and called the rest of the members who post about their sex-lives 'insecure, weak little shits', 'pricks' and 'fucking insignifcant people', so I'm charging you with being judgemental.  You then tried to worm your way out by saying you didn't really mean it when I challenged you on it, so I'm charging you with being a coward.


No thanks. (But if you think that means that I'm too much of a pussy to challenge you, then go ahead. I don't give a shit.)

What's the matter?  Can't you refute what I've said?  Can you see the writing on the wall already?
14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.

14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?


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Re: Peegai
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2007, 11:01:20 AM »
"I challenge you to mortal combat!"

« Last Edit: April 04, 2007, 11:10:40 AM by thepeaguy »