On the upside, Japan isn't likely to suffer an earthquake like this for tens of thousands of years. 
unless the ww2 vets are right and god fucking hates them japs... in which case there not just fucked but double fucked.
Notice I just said earthquake. That isn't to say that volcanic activity may ratchet up now, which there's a good chance of. 
Yeah, and erm, nothing worth mentioning just happening in the cock and ass thread. 
You had a good 15 minutes to view them Scrap. Hilarious.
How long do you intend to play this cat and mouse game??
Someone is going to catch that pic and post it you know!!

Actually, it's turned out to be more entertaining than I could ever have imagined.
I was in stitches seeing you everywhere BUT the cock and ass thread ('cos you avoid it so much).
Hilarious....and there they were....sheessh...not even old Soph or PPK had the good decency to PM you and alert you either!
Besides, everyone has witnessed your lewd requests here...and Scrappy, I'd say that most people think you've been stingy in not providing any photos of your own bits and pieces, yet you've harassed every vagina and breast owner here. So no, no one's going to be catching my tits and posting them for your benefit, because you clearly don't deserve to see them til you pay in your own flesh, boy.
Now get Mr Pickle out, or Mr Throbmaster 69, or The Dirty Weasel...or whatever it is you call him, take a nice picture for Ms Eclair and post. Now. You know you want to. Why so shy, little Scrap?

You even had the milder option of ass...but you couldn't even do that.