Author Topic: Carole Lieberman, get a fucking life. Goddamn.  (Read 789 times)

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Re: Carole Lieberman, get a fucking life. Goddamn.
« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2011, 08:17:09 AM »
I'd rather just play the games rather than listen to some self-proclaimed expert saying it'll make me shoot my entire college. However if one bans games, one should also ban ALL forms of media. Everything from books to films are specifically made to manipulate you emotionally, whether that's anger, feeling of sadness etc. Yes, you are being controlled by not just the government, but by the authors, the musicians and the artists. :zoinks:

For me it's like this when it comes to games:

Killing a person in a game = I feel nothing, since I know it's only a bunch of pixels/wireframe with a texture slapped onto it. Sometimes it may be even funny. It's even less worse than dismantling my PC or breaking something.
Killing a person IRL = Scared shitless and feeling of guilt since I know said person was real.

Exactly. This is the same as when laws were passed making lsd illegal, or weed, or other fun stuff that doesn't really hurt anything. Just because some jackass is a psycho and would shoot up a school or bomb a building or commit suicide or something ANYWAY engages in some sort of fun activity and flips the fuck out doesn't mean all the other normal individuals will. Aforementioned individual bombed a building because they're a psychopath, not because they dropped a couple of hits of acid.

This kind of thing really pisses me off. You see it in so many things. Tv, games, sports, just about everything. I don't understand why so many people thing that boycotting fun things is the only way to make stuff less dangerous. Following that logic, we should all just be in straight jackets in a brightly lit room with padded walls. Oh wait, no lights because someone might acidentally stare at them too long and go blind. Oh wait, we have to get rid of the air because someone might hyperventilate repeatedly on purpose and commit suicide.

Fucking ridiculous. If someone is crazy enough to be a suicidal murderer, they are going to do it regardless of violence in video games, or the availability of drugs. >:(
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"