I could throw out a little known fact, but it might make people lose their lunches or worse, excite certain people! Over the last coupla years I have been obsessed with collecting little known medical or human biological facts! I'll leave the rest to to your imaginations!
OK, so can THC make men lactate?
If so I know some people who should be able to make ice cream
But if they did, would you eat it?
LONDON – Breast milk ice cream was being scooped up by British customers Thursday after a London parlor used milk donated by a UK mom to make the "totally natural" treat.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2011/02/24/london-shop-serving-breast-milk-ice-cream/#ixzz1JMOfr4na
Now, THC being soluble in fat, and breast milk being fat.....
Would ice-cream made of TCH induced man-milk be the way to get high for non-smokers.