You're the one who posted this thread, Zippo.
Funny maybe , but pretty disrespectful to the person that brought you into this world. 
I don't see any point whining when you brought this upon yourself, Zippo. It's a bit unusual to ask if people think your mother is fuckable, hinting that you too may want to aswell.
So take it like a man and fufill those incestual urges. 
*sigh* your right, i should have expected something like that to come out of someones mouth... this is one of the most perverse sites on the internet after all xD
You're the one who posted this thread, Zippo.
Even the way the title is phrased is a bit unusual, so can't act all offended by what Shleed says Zippo, you are the one who wants to poll people to see if she's hot.
And yes Tart, agree.
yes, eris suggested i do this and of course i do on the spur of the moment thinking "that would he fucking hilarious." without thinking... XD