Sm Ms Stalin what antics have you done that got you banned elsewhere? or was it just cus you posted bristols or yer bum?
Bristols hey....that's some...cockney or what? Titties & beer, titties & beer....
No I was just my normal annoyingly autistic self.
I mean...if one of the rules is "Be careful not to upset people when discussing sensitive issues" how the hell can I know what "sensitive issues" are? Or when I upset anyone?! Apparently I upset people if I am of the opinion that one should be able to decide for one self if one wants to end ones life. Pro choice concerning suicide, basically.
Eventually I started to end all my sentences with "Oops, I probably broke some rule now, please be nice to the mongo." and then the inbred people of the crew decided that I wasn't welcome anymore.
Oh, yeah, and i linked a few pages with non-erotic videos, that had porncommercial around it, that I couldn't see cause of my adblock
On a gaysite, they thought I was too mean and all the faggots went crying to the abuseteam. Bah, how gay of them.