I personally have no problem with you being here at all, in fact I welcome you. You might find out that I think Iamnotaparakeet is a giant lump of human smegma, but as long as you dont get me banned from WP because of that, then you and I should have no problems 
To be really clear, there is absolutely no grounds to ban someone from WP for something they do outside WP. Maybe in the past things have been different, but banning a member isn't a fun activity I look forward to for kicks. Spammers and blatant trolls need to be banned immediately for the good of the site, but having to ban a participating member who once contributed to the diversity and enjoyment of the community can be seen as a failure on both sides. I believe that if the rules are unambiguous and easily available just about everyone will choose to follow them.
I also believe that a site full of Aspies should be forgiving of outbursts, meltdowns and other activities that fall outside of a member's normal behavior. As a moderator I want to work with people, not flex and strut.
I am here to learn. This site has a long history that is intimately linked to WP, and I just want to understand it. I have only been a member of WP since November and only been posting since December. I have now been a moderator for three weeks and I have a lot to learn.
I only posted at WP regularly for maybe a few months, short time, similar to you, when I was introduced to here.
I never really went back to WP very often after that. I found it like going back to primary school - I know it has it's place, and some people get a lot out of it, but I liked it more here where you really got to know most members. I also liked that when I got questioned on my opinion on something, I often found that deep down it was not necessarily wrong, but there were times where I had been hypocritical. I don't think you get that level of self reflection at times over at WP. It just feels like a lot of people in a 'sanitised' environment, which is fine.
I just think that with AS, that's what we are continually expected to do....amend our thoughts, trim our words, restrain ourselves.
I liked that I didn't have to do that here.