Why would you not be welcome?
OK now that you have settled in I will give you a very quick rundown on the various personalities here and how things work.
Callouts. They are really a meet and greet and of no real consequence. When we like someone and want to discuss it with them we "call out" to them. "Hey dog breath your posting style sucks" or "Hey your opinion on religion sucks retard". We all respond very well to such claims and that is the "call out" section.
Now some of the personalities.
Pentagram is the Sensei of the forum. Really clever guy.
Scrapheap: Very quiet and reserved guy. Has been trying for a long time to bring himself to talk to people. Finds it especially hard to talk to ladies.
Callaway: Very forgetful lady. A great way to embarrass her is to bring up an issue a day before and she will not have any idea she said it or thought it and lose her point of reference. You can easily confuse her.
PPK: Hates confrontation and is very anti-gun and lives in a commune selling craft.
Gluey is a conformist and likes things proper.
Peter is the only member we have from Africa. He is by birth a Pymie and until recently had no inclination what the internet was but has come leaps and bounds in a very short time. He has wonderful stories to tell you of the open plains of Africa and his triumphs against wild beasts whilst protecting his homeland
Butterflies is very quiet almost as quiet as CouldBeCousin. Butterflies as you can tell from the face is a gentle little soul and easily startled.
Theok is shy and demure and easily upset by efforts to bring up anything of a sexual nature. Try it. It is fun. He is such a prude.
Soph is allergic to animal hair and such issues are a sore point for Infidel
Odeon is the owner. He is not that bright and a soft touch here.
Schleed is the nice guy of the forum and the most sensitive by far.
Oh there is also CouldbeCousin who is a real tearaway.She doesn't post much but when she does watch out. Nasty piece of work and in league with HykeasHyke. Be wary of those two.
Sea Tart well not much to say about them they too are very close to the above two ladies
Queen Victoria is pure evil
Renaeden? Well like a venus fly trap this lady will happily wait for her next victim. Then she devours slowly but unlike the fly trap she will laugh all the while.
Zengh is our resident health nut. He is a firm believer of thy body is a temple. He is a hard bastard.
Bodaccea is our most prestigious member. She can trace her Italian heritage back to Julius Caesar. She is a gentle and studious historian working for the National Library of Rome and any conversations about Roman and its incursions against the filthy degenerates that would defy Rome is strongly welcomed.
Smiling Assassin is a diminutive, easily frightened French lady and fairly new on I2. We are not sure she will last.
Eris. More prude in matters sexual than even poor Theok. Very quickly flustered by mention of sexual proliferation or bodily fluid exchanges
Professor Farnsworth? Well you know him already. I think beneath his friendly exterior could well be a latent psychopath
Rage is a well adjusted and yet sensitive you man. He is the boy that every Father wants to have his daughter bring home for a date. Gentle soul.
Have you met Pyraxis?
You will like her. I wrote a special poem for her.
"She is fun and always in good cheer
She will happily rip you from arsehole to ear"
Do you like it?
I guess you will get to know the rest.
Oh of course there is me. I am I admit VERY sensitive and easily hurt. l am the meet and greeter and will steer you well in this little forum to make your life as easy as possible.
Oh as far as calling out I would expect you may wish to find a reason to "callout" to Callaway, Odeon, PPK, Schleed, and then Butterflies in that approximate order.
Now best be on my way.......... 