
Author Topic: Hello midlifeaspie  (Read 38272 times)

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Re: Hello midlifeaspie
« Reply #105 on: February 27, 2011, 12:12:44 AM »
Leejosepho isn't a moderator anymore.  The entire moderation staff at Wrong Planet is less than 4 weeks into the job, and learning as we go.  I have a couple of years under my belt moderating a larger site than WP, but certainly not with the unique challenges that this site presents.

Thought police?  Think what you will, but not every thought that crosses your mind must be expressed.  I have no interest in stifling debate or being a preschool teacher, only in allowing people with social disabilities the space to interact with others without being bullied for entertainment.  Most of you have accounts over there.  Do you really see us doing anything other than this?  Do you think any action taken so far has been petty or personal?  (Leejosepho handled the iamnotaprettybirdie situation single handedly, leading to the current staffing)

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Re: Hello midlifeaspie
« Reply #106 on: February 27, 2011, 12:16:19 AM »
I got banned from WP a year ago for telling an old mod I didn't know a user was banned so she sent me my final warning and then she banned me after I bitched about her unfair warning here. Coincidence? I don't think so.

But I am back on the forum as League Girl.

There have been horrible mods on there in the past and TBH I thought you were going to be a horrible one too because a few times I had seen you calling members trolls for threads they make and say they are a suspect and it would make me uncomfortable so when you became a mod, I wasn't sure if you were going to start banning people for no reason just because you thought they were trolling. But I think I may have been wrong about you and you seem to be an okay mod after all. I have not heard anything yet about you banning people for no reason and I hope I won't hear any stories about it by banned members.

After what I have been through, I now judge people harshly when it comes to being a mod. I will think if they will be a good one or not. Even one little thing about them I don't like I will end up thinking they will make horrible mods because abusive mods is the last thing I want to deal with. Even if someone reads my intentions wrong, I will think they would be a bad mod if they were one.

I still like Lee but I still got freaked out by his actions he did as a mod. Last thing we need is another sinsboldly except this one was a decent one and doesn't get all nasty when you don't agree with him and he even answered my PM so that means he was more trustful. At least he doesn't ban people either for not agreeing with his mod decisions. So I started to calm down about him once I saw he is a decent person despite what he was doing. But now it looks like to me he is holding a grudge or is that my imagination? He accused Soph of trying to stir up shit and you told him she hasn't broken any rules. Could he have been mistaken?

Why did she get unbanned? I'm curious.

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Re: Hello midlifeaspie
« Reply #107 on: February 27, 2011, 12:25:35 AM »
I got banned from WP a year ago for telling an old mod I didn't know a user was banned so she sent me my final warning and then she banned me after I bitched about her unfair warning here. Coincidence? I don't think so.

But I am back on the forum as League Girl.

There have been horrible mods on there in the past and TBH I thought you were going to be a horrible one too because a few times I had seen you calling members trolls for threads they make and say they are a suspect and it would make me uncomfortable so when you became a mod, I wasn't sure if you were going to start banning people for no reason just because you thought they were trolling. But I think I may have been wrong about you and you seem to be an okay mod after all. I have not heard anything yet about you banning people for no reason and I hope I won't hear any stories about it by banned members.

After what I have been through, I now judge people harshly when it comes to being a mod. I will think if they will be a good one or not. Even one little thing about them I don't like I will end up thinking they will make horrible mods because abusive mods is the last thing I want to deal with. Even if someone reads my intentions wrong, I will think they would be a bad mod if they were one.

I still like Lee but I still got freaked out by his actions he did as a mod. Last thing we need is another sinsboldly except this one was a decent one and doesn't get all nasty when you don't agree with him and he even answered my PM so that means he was more trustful. At least he doesn't ban people either for not agreeing with his mod decisions. So I started to calm down about him once I saw he is a decent person despite what he was doing. But now it looks like to me he is holding a grudge or is that my imagination? He accused Soph of trying to stir up shit and you told him she hasn't broken any rules. Could he have been mistaken?

Why did she get unbanned? I'm curious.

Not only did you get banned, but she also deleted your and your husband's accounts along with all your posts, which was actually shocking.  IMO, she lost the plot when she did that.

Offline Natalia Evans

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Re: Hello midlifeaspie
« Reply #108 on: February 27, 2011, 12:49:00 AM »
I got banned from WP a year ago for telling an old mod I didn't know a user was banned so she sent me my final warning and then she banned me after I bitched about her unfair warning here. Coincidence? I don't think so.

But I am back on the forum as League Girl.

There have been horrible mods on there in the past and TBH I thought you were going to be a horrible one too because a few times I had seen you calling members trolls for threads they make and say they are a suspect and it would make me uncomfortable so when you became a mod, I wasn't sure if you were going to start banning people for no reason just because you thought they were trolling. But I think I may have been wrong about you and you seem to be an okay mod after all. I have not heard anything yet about you banning people for no reason and I hope I won't hear any stories about it by banned members.

After what I have been through, I now judge people harshly when it comes to being a mod. I will think if they will be a good one or not. Even one little thing about them I don't like I will end up thinking they will make horrible mods because abusive mods is the last thing I want to deal with. Even if someone reads my intentions wrong, I will think they would be a bad mod if they were one.

I still like Lee but I still got freaked out by his actions he did as a mod. Last thing we need is another sinsboldly except this one was a decent one and doesn't get all nasty when you don't agree with him and he even answered my PM so that means he was more trustful. At least he doesn't ban people either for not agreeing with his mod decisions. So I started to calm down about him once I saw he is a decent person despite what he was doing. But now it looks like to me he is holding a grudge or is that my imagination? He accused Soph of trying to stir up shit and you told him she hasn't broken any rules. Could he have been mistaken?

Why did she get unbanned? I'm curious.

Not only did you get banned, but she also deleted your and your husband's accounts along with all your posts, which was actually shocking.  IMO, she lost the plot when she did that.

Yeah that too. I was also shocked she did it too because I never ever thought she do something that horrible. But now I know how crazy she is and how horrible she can be and who knows what insane things she can do like making up a story about a banned member to try and manipulate you. I know she did a good job trying to cover her ass about why she did it but I don't buy it because she has broken rules herself and also has multiple accounts. Other members do too and have also broken rules.

What pisses me off is when she mentioned Willium Fruend on there when she was the one who sent me a PM about talking about banned members but she turns around and talks about him. I can't even take her seriously if that is how she acts so it makes her PM she sent me invalid. Please for the love of god don't send members PMs as a mod telling them it's against the rules to talk about banned members and then turn around as an ex mod talking about that same banned member that other member once talked about in the past you sent a PM to them about regarding discussing banned members. It just makes you look bad.

I so wanted to call her out on that but the last thing I need is another drama. I would have loved it if someone else called that out on her but sadly no one did.

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Re: Hello midlifeaspie
« Reply #109 on: February 27, 2011, 02:34:31 AM »
Ooooohhh, boy :-\

Welcome anyway.

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Hello midlifeaspie
« Reply #110 on: February 27, 2011, 02:42:21 AM »
G'Day Midlife Aspie.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

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Re: Hello midlifeaspie
« Reply #111 on: February 27, 2011, 04:24:58 AM »
1984 is a literary classic, not real life.

"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

'People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.'
George Bernard Shaw

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Re: Hello midlifeaspie
« Reply #112 on: February 27, 2011, 06:04:36 AM »
I personally have no problem with you being here at all, in fact I welcome you. You might find out that I think Iamnotaparakeet is a giant lump of human smegma, but as long as you dont get me banned from WP because of that, then you and I should have no problems :green:

To be really clear, there is absolutely no grounds to ban someone from WP for something they do outside WP.  Maybe in the past things have been different, but banning a member isn't a fun activity I look forward to for kicks.  Spammers and blatant trolls need to be banned immediately for the good of the site, but having to ban a participating member who once contributed to the diversity and enjoyment of the community can be seen as a failure on both sides.  I believe that if the rules are unambiguous and easily available just about everyone will choose to follow them.

I also believe that a site full of Aspies should be forgiving of outbursts, meltdowns and other activities that fall outside of a member's normal behavior.  As a moderator I want to work with people, not flex and strut.

I am here to learn.  This site has a long history that is intimately linked to WP, and I just want to understand it.  I have only been a member of WP since November and only been posting since December.  I have now been a moderator for three weeks and I have a lot to learn.

Best reason to hang out here for a bit longer.
Can be very refreshing to be on a place where you don't have to be a mod to unwind.
Just like you will not ban people at WP about what they say over here, so members here will soon enough react on you as you are here, and not be thinking of you as a WP mod.

In the beginning some stuff from WP will probably pop up now and then, but after a while that will only be done by one or two. Pika, admin on AFF only has Pentagram now and then having a go at him. And we all take Pentagram very serious, when he is in a mode like that.  :screwy:

And, it is very interesting to see how self moderation works on a site too.

Oh, I saw you had a look at my profile.  :zoinks:

I'm Hyke, we have never met, unless you have been part of AFF in the days I was there. But, I think you got diagnosed at a time I wasn't active there anymore.

I was diagnosed at 42, after a massive breakdown I could not get myself recovering from. Found out about autism, and thought I might be slightly fitting the spectrum, sought for a formal DX, and came out as on the spectrum without a doubt.

What was it that got you diagnosed?
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!


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Re: Hello midlifeaspie
« Reply #113 on: February 27, 2011, 06:20:33 AM »
1984 is a literary classic, not real life.

Yes. No implication made there. Just the internet may be closer to real life than a old fiction.

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Hello midlifeaspie
« Reply #114 on: February 27, 2011, 07:10:45 AM »
I personally have no problem with you being here at all, in fact I welcome you. You might find out that I think Iamnotaparakeet is a giant lump of human smegma, but as long as you dont get me banned from WP because of that, then you and I should have no problems :green:

To be really clear, there is absolutely no grounds to ban someone from WP for something they do outside WP.  Maybe in the past things have been different, but banning a member isn't a fun activity I look forward to for kicks.  Spammers and blatant trolls need to be banned immediately for the good of the site, but having to ban a participating member who once contributed to the diversity and enjoyment of the community can be seen as a failure on both sides.  I believe that if the rules are unambiguous and easily available just about everyone will choose to follow them.

I also believe that a site full of Aspies should be forgiving of outbursts, meltdowns and other activities that fall outside of a member's normal behavior.  As a moderator I want to work with people, not flex and strut.

I am here to learn.  This site has a long history that is intimately linked to WP, and I just want to understand it.  I have only been a member of WP since November and only been posting since December.  I have now been a moderator for three weeks and I have a lot to learn.

Best reason to hang out here for a bit longer.
Can be very refreshing to be on a place where you don't have to be a mod to unwind.
Just like you will not ban people at WP about what they say over here, so members here will soon enough react on you as you are here, and not be thinking of you as a WP mod.

In the beginning some stuff from WP will probably pop up now and then, but after a while that will only be done by one or two. Pika, admin on AFF only has Pentagram now and then having a go at him. And we all take Pentagram very serious, when he is in a mode like that.  :screwy:

And, it is very interesting to see how self moderation works on a site too.

Oh, I saw you had a look at my profile.  :zoinks:

I'm Hyke, we have never met, unless you have been part of AFF in the days I was there. But, I think you got diagnosed at a time I wasn't active there anymore.

I was diagnosed at 42, after a massive breakdown I could not get myself recovering from. Found out about autism, and thought I might be slightly fitting the spectrum, sought for a formal DX, and came out as on the spectrum without a doubt.

What was it that got you diagnosed?

I bought here here and corrupted her entirely  :angel:
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline 'andersom'

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Re: Hello midlifeaspie
« Reply #115 on: February 27, 2011, 07:27:05 AM »
I personally have no problem with you being here at all, in fact I welcome you. You might find out that I think Iamnotaparakeet is a giant lump of human smegma, but as long as you dont get me banned from WP because of that, then you and I should have no problems :green:

To be really clear, there is absolutely no grounds to ban someone from WP for something they do outside WP.  Maybe in the past things have been different, but banning a member isn't a fun activity I look forward to for kicks.  Spammers and blatant trolls need to be banned immediately for the good of the site, but having to ban a participating member who once contributed to the diversity and enjoyment of the community can be seen as a failure on both sides.  I believe that if the rules are unambiguous and easily available just about everyone will choose to follow them.

I also believe that a site full of Aspies should be forgiving of outbursts, meltdowns and other activities that fall outside of a member's normal behavior.  As a moderator I want to work with people, not flex and strut.

I am here to learn.  This site has a long history that is intimately linked to WP, and I just want to understand it.  I have only been a member of WP since November and only been posting since December.  I have now been a moderator for three weeks and I have a lot to learn.

Best reason to hang out here for a bit longer.
Can be very refreshing to be on a place where you don't have to be a mod to unwind.
Just like you will not ban people at WP about what they say over here, so members here will soon enough react on you as you are here, and not be thinking of you as a WP mod.

In the beginning some stuff from WP will probably pop up now and then, but after a while that will only be done by one or two. Pika, admin on AFF only has Pentagram now and then having a go at him. And we all take Pentagram very serious, when he is in a mode like that.  :screwy:

And, it is very interesting to see how self moderation works on a site too.

Oh, I saw you had a look at my profile.  :zoinks:

I'm Hyke, we have never met, unless you have been part of AFF in the days I was there. But, I think you got diagnosed at a time I wasn't active there anymore.

I was diagnosed at 42, after a massive breakdown I could not get myself recovering from. Found out about autism, and thought I might be slightly fitting the spectrum, sought for a formal DX, and came out as on the spectrum without a doubt.

What was it that got you diagnosed?

I bought here here and corrupted her entirely  :angel:

You bought me?

Think we need a talk my dear.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Hello midlifeaspie
« Reply #116 on: February 27, 2011, 07:33:24 AM »
I personally have no problem with you being here at all, in fact I welcome you. You might find out that I think Iamnotaparakeet is a giant lump of human smegma, but as long as you dont get me banned from WP because of that, then you and I should have no problems :green:

To be really clear, there is absolutely no grounds to ban someone from WP for something they do outside WP.  Maybe in the past things have been different, but banning a member isn't a fun activity I look forward to for kicks.  Spammers and blatant trolls need to be banned immediately for the good of the site, but having to ban a participating member who once contributed to the diversity and enjoyment of the community can be seen as a failure on both sides.  I believe that if the rules are unambiguous and easily available just about everyone will choose to follow them.

I also believe that a site full of Aspies should be forgiving of outbursts, meltdowns and other activities that fall outside of a member's normal behavior.  As a moderator I want to work with people, not flex and strut.

I am here to learn.  This site has a long history that is intimately linked to WP, and I just want to understand it.  I have only been a member of WP since November and only been posting since December.  I have now been a moderator for three weeks and I have a lot to learn.

Best reason to hang out here for a bit longer.
Can be very refreshing to be on a place where you don't have to be a mod to unwind.
Just like you will not ban people at WP about what they say over here, so members here will soon enough react on you as you are here, and not be thinking of you as a WP mod.

In the beginning some stuff from WP will probably pop up now and then, but after a while that will only be done by one or two. Pika, admin on AFF only has Pentagram now and then having a go at him. And we all take Pentagram very serious, when he is in a mode like that.  :screwy:

And, it is very interesting to see how self moderation works on a site too.

Oh, I saw you had a look at my profile.  :zoinks:

I'm Hyke, we have never met, unless you have been part of AFF in the days I was there. But, I think you got diagnosed at a time I wasn't active there anymore.

I was diagnosed at 42, after a massive breakdown I could not get myself recovering from. Found out about autism, and thought I might be slightly fitting the spectrum, sought for a formal DX, and came out as on the spectrum without a doubt.

What was it that got you diagnosed?

I bought here here and corrupted her entirely  :angel:

"I brought her here". That is what I ought to have written. It is 12:30am. You are not expecting sense out of me at this time of night are you? I have a hard enough time composing sense and rationality at the best of times.

"Bought you"? Mmmmm.....that sounds like a role play scenario to invest some ...ummm....thought into?
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline 'andersom'

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Re: Hello midlifeaspie
« Reply #117 on: February 27, 2011, 07:42:48 AM »

Material for dreams, go to bed you tired man.  :-*
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

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Re: Hello midlifeaspie
« Reply #118 on: February 27, 2011, 08:55:46 AM »
I personally have no problem with you being here at all, in fact I welcome you. You might find out that I think Iamnotaparakeet is a giant lump of human smegma, but as long as you dont get me banned from WP because of that, then you and I should have no problems :green:

To be really clear, there is absolutely no grounds to ban someone from WP for something they do outside WP.  Maybe in the past things have been different, but banning a member isn't a fun activity I look forward to for kicks.  Spammers and blatant trolls need to be banned immediately for the good of the site, but having to ban a participating member who once contributed to the diversity and enjoyment of the community can be seen as a failure on both sides.  I believe that if the rules are unambiguous and easily available just about everyone will choose to follow them.

I also believe that a site full of Aspies should be forgiving of outbursts, meltdowns and other activities that fall outside of a member's normal behavior.  As a moderator I want to work with people, not flex and strut.

I am here to learn.  This site has a long history that is intimately linked to WP, and I just want to understand it.  I have only been a member of WP since November and only been posting since December.  I have now been a moderator for three weeks and I have a lot to learn.

Best reason to hang out here for a bit longer.
Can be very refreshing to be on a place where you don't have to be a mod to unwind.
Just like you will not ban people at WP about what they say over here, so members here will soon enough react on you as you are here, and not be thinking of you as a WP mod.

In the beginning some stuff from WP will probably pop up now and then, but after a while that will only be done by one or two. Pika, admin on AFF only has Pentagram now and then having a go at him. And we all take Pentagram very serious, when he is in a mode like that.  :screwy:

And, it is very interesting to see how self moderation works on a site too.

Oh, I saw you had a look at my profile.  :zoinks:

I'm Hyke, we have never met, unless you have been part of AFF in the days I was there. But, I think you got diagnosed at a time I wasn't active there anymore.

I was diagnosed at 42, after a massive breakdown I could not get myself recovering from. Found out about autism, and thought I might be slightly fitting the spectrum, sought for a formal DX, and came out as on the spectrum without a doubt.

What was it that got you diagnosed?

I bought here here and corrupted her entirely  :angel:

And it was the best investment you ever made in your whole life, right?



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Re: Hello midlifeaspie
« Reply #119 on: February 27, 2011, 10:34:39 AM »
The entire moderation staff at Wrong Planet is less than 4 weeks into the job, and learning as we go.

Hopefully you find a hell of a lot more professionalism than previous staffs.

Thought police?

Yes, that's what Alex and previous mods have been.

Think what you will, but not every thought that crosses your mind must be expressed.

And who determines what thoughts "must" be expressed?? you do??

I have no interest in stifling debate or being a preschool teacher,

This statement is incompatible with your previous one.

only in allowing people with social disabilities the space to interact with others without being bullied for entertainment.

You mean like the way that Quatermass, Sinsboldly and Mr.Mark bullied people when they were mods??

Most of you have accounts over there.

More like multiple sock-puppets from being capriciously banned so many times.

Do you really see us doing anything other than this?

Previous moderation staffs were nasty pieces of work. They kept order and control of the site by bullying the members. Those who couldn't tollerate it left, those that remained behind were the cowards who didn't know how to stand up to bullies.

Do you think any action taken so far has been petty or personal?

The long history of WP moderation has been largely petty and personal, especially Alex Plank.