In fact, I'm not too sure of the validity of tangible reality, period.
We could never be too sure about anything. That's why we should always take the most reasonable approaches. Believing that you don't exist would be as reasonable as believing that you won't die at all if you were to stand in a dreamy manner in the middle of the train track while a train approaches you speedily and runs you over into several pieces.
I think that lots of good people really really try hard, and they were raised with something they could trust in. As long as they mean no harm to others I cant blame someone for wanting to believe in something.
And as the "speaking in tongues" bit, I believe it's just people speaking plain gibberish. Easy for me to understand.
no, it's not reasonable, but I don't think anything about "faith" is reasonable. I just like to think about stuff.
but with the speaking in tongues bit ... I actually talked to someone who had the experience. They just make noises, but it is like a direct connection or something. It is like speaking without words.
idk, to "believe" in something, seems unreasonable to me too