I am certainly Atheist.
In fact, I'm not too sure of the validity of tangible reality, period.
I was raised Catholic, but never believed and was kinda blasphemous as a young person. Then in college I studies philosophy, meaning I studied religion profusely. I even studied Crowley a bit, just out of curiosity (underneath all the spooky ghost nonsense it is all about communicating with your higher self, but it is really all a load of shit. I can convince myself of things in better ways )
I think that lots of good people really really try hard, and they were raised with something they could trust in. As long as they mean no harm to others I cant blame someone for wanting to believe in something.
Ive read about people going into "trances" , though. Sometimes though self injury, sometimes though transcendental meditation. And the "speaking in tongues" phenomenon always fascinated me.... I kinda think that is how animals communicate, but that is another topic.
what is that ? I think that it is not experiencing "god" , I think they are experiencing "Self"
Hopefully when I die, It'll be warm

But, no I am not religious ...