I used to consider myself to be spiritual, but these days I seem to not have belief in much of anything. I have never followed a religion, as such. I have no interest in it, beyond the beauty of some of the buildings associated with it. When I took some online test, my innate beliefs seemed to most fit those of Buddhism.
Maybe you should take some time in the woods, sleep under the stars, build a fire and listen to a stream.
Can not tell you what religion this is. You have to work that out on your own.
Nice idea; not sure how you would go about that in England (that's where graelwyn is too) . It's probably illegal to build a fire, almost everywhere you might go. You probably have no idea how tame this country is. And how just about every square inch of it is owned by somebody-or-other.
My only attempt to sleep beneath the stars was a little bit rash, you might say.
I felt a burning need to get away , so I packed a few basics in a small backpack, caught a random train, and got off at a more-or-less random station (Great Malvern in the Cotswolds, actually. I'd pased through there a few times in the past, on my way to somewhere else, and always fancied getting off at that stop. So not very random, as you see)
It was sometime after I got there, potterered around on the hills for a bit, and realised that it was way too late to get cheap lodgings, that I had the bright idea of sleeping under the stars. Given that it was a pretty chilly Spring night, and I'm cold intolerant, it didn't work out very well at all. In fact, by 2.00 am-ish I gave up and sheepinshly ambled back into the town and booked in to a 4-star hotel for the rest of the night (nothing less than that had a night porter) .
I was living on the last of my meagre credit at the time, so I really had to make that expense worthwhile. So I hung around the hotel for a good few hours the next day, and had fun playing the " mysterious lady" (No that didn't entail doing anything out of character

; and it got me into one or two pleasant conversations).
Then I played the tourist for a bit, then went home.

Do i regret it? Well, actually not in the least .
But any tips re. going about it more sensibly would be appreciated
