I used to consider myself to be spiritual, but these days I seem to not have belief in much of anything. I have never followed a religion, as such. I have no interest in it, beyond the beauty of some of the buildings associated with it. When I took some online test, my innate beliefs seemed to most fit those of Buddhism.
Maybe you should take some time in the woods, sleep under the stars, build a fire and listen to a stream.
Can not tell you what religion this is. You have to work that out on your own.
Nice idea; not sure how you would go about that in England (that's where graelwyn is too) . It's probably illegal to build a fire, almost everywhere you might go. You probably have no idea how tame this country is. And how just about every square inch of it is owned by somebody-or-other.
My only attempt to sleep beneath the stars was a little bit rash, you might say.
I felt a burning need to get away , so I packed a few basics in a small backpack, caught a random train, and got off at a more-or-less random station (Great Malvern in the Cotswolds, actually. I'd pased through there a few times in the past, on my way to somewhere else, and always fancied getting off at that stop. So not very random, as you see)
It was sometime after I got there, potterered around on the hills for a bit, and realised that it was way too late to get cheap lodgings, that I had the bright idea of sleeping under the stars. Given that it was a pretty chilly Spring night, and I'm cold intolerant, it didn't work out very well at all. In fact, by 2.00 am-ish I gave up and sheepinshly ambled back into the town and booked in to a 4-star hotel for the rest of the night (nothing less than that had a night porter) .
I was living on the last of my meagre credit at the time, so I really had to make that expense worthwhile. So I hung around the hotel for a good few hours the next day, and had fun playing the " mysterious lady" (No that didn't entail doing anything out of character
; and it got me into one or two pleasant conversations).
Then I played the tourist for a bit, then went home. 
Do i regret it? Well, actually not in the least .
But any tips re. going about it more sensibly would be appreciated 
You are far braver than I, lol. I would never dare simply take off, I am far too stuck in routines. I think I would have had a major panic attack being stuck somewhere at night with nowhere cheap to stay and limited funds.
It is supposed to be really pretty in Malvern though.
It is true, there are so many restrictions here that where I live, you cannot even feed the birds most places without getting issues.
People do have barbecues on the common here though. And I live right down the road from a rather beautiful area called the New Forest, which is all forestry, open heathland and some pretty remote areas.
Pictures of it here.

I tend to cycle there over the Summer.