
Author Topic: Norway unofficially acknowledges Somaliland and Puntland  (Read 544 times)

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Norway unofficially acknowledges Somaliland and Puntland
« on: February 20, 2011, 12:05:05 PM »
nothing official, but these two regions were mentioned by name on the news, in a news story about prisons being built to contain pirates.
The Mogadishu-based state of Somalia is in anarchy, and has no means of doing anything worth anything,
the self-proclaimed Somaliland, and the "temporary state" of Puntland are keeping each their separate peaces, but have not enjoyed any recognition from any other nation

with the opening of the norwegian funded prisons, Somaliland was mentioned as "a breakaway state", and Puntland as a "self governing region"

AU has "promised" to eventually recognize Somaliland as a legitimate state once the whole somali civil war has been sorted out, as i understand it anyway.
Puntland never aimed for independence, but is keeping the peace untill reunification with the rest of Somalia.
wether or not Somalia as a whole will accept Somaliland's independence isnt wholly clear, for now theyre too busy w their own trouble. Puntland and Somaliland have had some border skirmishes, but nothing more.

Somaliland has functioned, peacefully and with stability, for over 20 years now