Start here > What's your crime? Basic Discussion

1,2,3... BABY!!!

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Well I have no clue what you're talking about but I take it its a big deal- so well done and good luck  :crossed:

Well done.

You need a better hobby than playing with glorified toys.


--- Quote from: shima on October 29, 2006, 06:45:10 AM ---Scrapheap, I think that is fantastic!

Can "INTENSITY²" be emblazoned on your cars?  That's the kind of advertisement we need!

--- End quote ---
I think this is a fabulous idea! It would be expensive, but if any of the existing sponsors employees, or someone with an inside lane (Hint hint hint, Scr'eap) could get some sub-sponsoring help, it could happen.

Does "INTENSITY²" have an eyecatching logo, that would appeal to typicals for this purpose?


--- Quote from: DirtDawg on October 29, 2006, 11:13:15 AM --- "INTENSITY²"
--- End quote ---
you know i've always wonderd how you shrink the 2 like that, simply amazing.  8)


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