I had a good friend how kept an Uzi on his sail boat and a M14 next to his bed
He was a lot of fun we used to go sailing when we were supposed to be at work. He moved to the west coast 20 years ago
M14 is a PITA to field strip, Uzi is easy as pie. AKs are easy too.
i have two memorable moments from the military when it comes to stripping down the G3 rifle
1. was when we were told to never take the actual trigger mechanism apart, and some smartass did, and *twoing* indeed, there went a little spring, and he landed himself in big trouble :]
for extra lulz we were telling him "hey, your not supposed to take it apart" and he of course went "buzz off i know what im do- Oh.. shit." "HAVE FUN MAN!"
2. a guy who did eeeverything slowly. the gas mask drill lasted a whole week cus of that one guy and him alone.
i remember watching him putting the rifle back together again, aaages after everyone were done. and i remember him unknowingly rolling a part away from himself, clumsily looking for it. and i discretely kicked it back his way, so we could for once be finished for the day, and he STILL didnt see it, i basically GAVE it back to him, and he was all "wheeere did i put it... "
some people.....
that guy actually had the most amazing singing voice :S