I fancy cottage pie with a nice big portion of veg. Thank god that's what I'm having tonight.
I had to Google that...as I thought, that's the dish we call shepherd's pie over here. So...
1.) Do you make it yourself?
2.) What do you put in it?
3.) What kind of veg do you have with it?
I just love hearing about other people's wonderful meals. 
1) Yeah I make it myself
2) The difference between cottage and shepherds pie is that that cottage uses minced beef whereas shepherds uses lamb, hence shepherd.
3) It depends really. I normally have roasted potatos, carrots, peas and sweetcorn. Today I'm having parsnips too.
It's a nice meal to have after being out in the cold, it's nice and hearty and it's not too hard to prepare. I can imagine it now, coming in from the cold after walking the dog on the pier, serving the dinner and eating it by the fireplace.... Mmm