Author Topic: The Eclair versus eris callout.  (Read 2159 times)

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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #15 on: February 17, 2011, 12:40:20 PM »
hehehehe :D

Yep.  ;)

Lol , why are catfights so amusing to straight guys? <- potential thread?

If you build it, they will post.  ;)
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--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

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I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  

Offline "couldbecousin"

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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2011, 01:27:55 PM »
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

"We are grateful for the time we have been given."
--- Edward Walker, The Village

People forget.
--- The Who, "Eminence Front"


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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2011, 01:29:19 PM »
BTW, why is Eclairs name capitalized and mine isnt ?

hmm ?



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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #19 on: February 17, 2011, 01:31:48 PM »
BTW, why is Eclairs name capitalized and mine isnt ?

hmm ?

I'll never tell.  :LOL:


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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2011, 01:33:15 PM »
 :squiddy: :dom: :whipped:

Offline "couldbecousin"

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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #21 on: February 17, 2011, 01:34:05 PM »
BTW, why is Eclairs name capitalized and mine isnt ?

hmm ?

I'll never tell.  :LOL:

*blabs*   Because she uses a capital E and you don't!
The spelling in the thread title is faithful to your respective username spellings!   :2thumbsup:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

"We are grateful for the time we have been given."
--- Edward Walker, The Village

People forget.
--- The Who, "Eminence Front"


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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #22 on: February 17, 2011, 01:37:57 PM »
BTW, why is Eclairs name capitalized and mine isnt ?

hmm ?

I'll never tell.  :LOL:

*blabs*   Because she uses a capital E and you don't!
The spelling in the thread title is faithful to your respective username spellings!   :2thumbsup:
Uh, yeah, thanks for saving me.  :-\

Offline "couldbecousin"

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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #23 on: February 17, 2011, 01:39:17 PM »
BTW, why is Eclairs name capitalized and mine isnt ?

hmm ?

I'll never tell.  :LOL:

*blabs*   Because she uses a capital E and you don't!
The spelling in the thread title is faithful to your respective username spellings!   :2thumbsup:
Uh, yeah, thanks for saving me.  :-\

What were you hoping to achieve by being mysterious?  :P
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

"We are grateful for the time we have been given."
--- Edward Walker, The Village

People forget.
--- The Who, "Eminence Front"


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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #24 on: February 22, 2011, 03:17:27 AM »
to keep everything straight, a completly worthless update

Don't care much for third person talk, so will say this directly to you, eris. When you first joined, I had you pegged as a troll; not many people talk about fucking the dead in their introduction thread. Later, I pegged you as one of those girls who has a need to be titillating in the presence of men. Everyone knows the type; the one that will never know how to be truly 'just friends' with a male. However, I'm quite aware of my own trouble with liking other females in general. These things take time with me. Now, I don't peg you as anything; don't know and don't really care. Your presence here has become a part of my routine, and I'm okay with that. Outside of some TMI for my personal taste, you seem fine just different from me. Maybe the two of you only need time to become desinsitized to each other.

Re-read this thread and noticed you addressed me directly so I thought I should at least answer it.

I'm not really looking to argue with anyone, it wasn't my idea to start these threads although I do admit I provoked her and "started it". That may not have been the most mature thing to do. It's not going to be a problem in the future.

I can see how people thought I was a troll, and the truth is I didn't care if I was not accepted. I'm an open person and I don't have to hide on the internet. Unless it is really obvious that I am joking, everything I have said about myself here is true.  I never really try to fit in on the internet - If I make friends somewhere I stick around and I have grown to really like intensity and all of the members. I can truly say that no one but Eclair has ever really annoyed me and I've gotten to know some really great people. But I don't really want to chitchat about the weather. I can see how my bluntness is boring to some and disgusting to others, but that's just the way I am. I've had issues with females all of my life because of me bein' so sexified and everything. But that is really not what happened here. I guess we just don't get each other. But I really do have more to offer than just my dirty mouth. I guess I'll have to prove that in time.

Don't care much for third person talk, so will say this directly to you, eris. When you first joined, I had you pegged as a troll; not many people talk about fucking the dead in their introduction thread. Later, I pegged you as one of those girls who has a need to be titillating in the presence of men. Everyone knows the type; the one that will never know how to be truly 'just friends' with a male. However, I'm quite aware of my own trouble with liking other females in general. These things take time with me. Now, I don't peg you as anything; don't know and don't really care. Your presence here has become a part of my routine, and I'm okay with that. Outside of some TMI for my personal taste, you seem fine just different from me. Maybe the two of you only need time to become desinsitized to each other.

Re-read this thread and noticed you addressed me directly so I thought I should at least answer it.

I'm not really looking to argue with anyone, it wasn't my idea to start these threads although I do admit I provoked her and "started it". That may not have been the most mature thing to do. It's not going to be a problem in the future.

I can see how people thought I was a troll, and the truth is I didn't care if I was not accepted. I'm an open person and I don't have to hide on the internet. Unless it is really obvious that I am joking, everything I have said about myself here is true.  I never really try to fit in on the internet - If I make friends somewhere I stick around and I have grown to really like intensity and all of the members. I can truly say that no one but Eclair has ever really annoyed me and I've gotten to know some really great people. But I don't really want to chitchat about the weather. I can see how my bluntness is boring to some and disgusting to others, but that's just the way I am. I've had issues with females all of my life because of me bein' so sexified and everything. But that is really not what happened here. I guess we just don't get each other. But I really do have more to offer than just my dirty mouth. I guess I'll have to prove that in time.

Correction, you tried to provoke me? What irked you was you don’t have the power to provoke me sweetness....despite your taking it across several threads, threw a tantrum when I didn’t answer your last comment because I was logging off at 12.45am my time...then, you sweetness, disappeared for a few days...should we just hold off this discussion because it’s all about you and your defensiveness about your drug use? But somehow, I am ‘the Bitch’....of course...blame away.
I simply asked how drugs played into your bdsm play, since it’s all you really talk about here, it’s your topic of interest. So, as much as you would like to say ‘I’m really not looking to argue with anyone’...well, no, of course you aren’t. You’ve already spewed out you don’t like me...etc etc...all this because someone asked about your bdsm drug use and how that works for you.

I have no doubts you will now play 'victim' that you were picked on, and you are damn lucky I can't be assed to pull your pathetic rantings from that night up and rehash them here.

I suggest you don't bother me again, or if you do, back yourself up instead of twisting what I say, posting it across several threads then slinking away for days, but calling me out for not answering because I logged off late at night.

And when you answer, can you not be spliffed up on dope? Kind of lacks credibility.

well I tried to get you to argue with me, and it worked.  :thumbup: And, again,  Im not the one who started the threads. But I am certainly no victim. I even admitted it was immature of me to insult you out of the blue the way I did.

So, I'm not really hiding. I let it go because it seemed like you were done arguing and you didn't bring this back up until now.  Although you did a great job of acting a certain way in some threads and completely different in others. As for dissapearing for a few days, well I do have a job and a life outside of this place, but I never backed down.

BDSM is my topic of interest because it is my topic of life. This is who I am. And I smoke marijuana regularly, and I see it as a positive relaxing experience and it only enhances anything I do, including playing.

You do still have that holier than thou kick goin on though. The discussion was never about my drug use, it was about how you annoy me because you act superior. You try to make it about my drug use though, and we can talk about it if you want. But my issue is that you act morally superior to , well, just about everyone.

I mean, why should it matter to you if I smoke a joint before I get laid ? Is my moral turpitude destroying the youth or something ? I swear, they were all over 18  ;)

Offline Eclair

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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #25 on: February 22, 2011, 04:05:10 AM »
As I said, you were the one crying 'ignored' when I logged off.

Either way, you missed the intent of the original question which was around whether you used drugs to 'enhance' your BDSM experiences or, alternatively, were they part of your lifestyle, like an addiction.

I think you've answered the question.

If you can't answer general enquiries about your fetish without getting all defensive (I seem to remember originally, you were bothered about being viewed as a 'slut'), then, as I say, that is your own problem and lack of confidence in your own choices.

If you choose to 'deflect' that on me as being 'holier than thou' or superior, or whatever spew against me has come out of your mouth, then so be it.

As I said, methinks you do protest to much.

Now eeris, can you, leave it at that if you have nothing to back yourself up other than to say you don't like me? You've already sprouted your thoughts on me...if you think there's any more to achieve by going on, then please do, otherwise, I'd suggest unless you can specify what exactly I should address, other than you don't like me (well, guess's an online forum, not a popularity contest at high school), then you are going to bore a lot of people pretty quickly with your little tantrum.


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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #26 on: February 22, 2011, 04:27:00 AM »
yeah, really all I ever had to say was that I didn't like you. Not much else to say. I'm only replying to YOUR comments.

I am not sensitive about my fetishes, and I'll talk allllll day about them. You didn't ask me about my fetishes, you implied I was addicted to drugs. I'm not sorry for confronting you about that comment.

and the conversation you are talking about ( me being slutty and all) was an argument you and I had - because I did something that you thought was morally wrong :( and my answer to it was that I fuck around a lot. See what I mean ? Me not liking you isn't because you implied I was a drug addict. You've been annoying me for months.

what exactly am I supposed to "back myself up with " ?

I don't like you, I think you think you're hot shit. Nothing to "back that up with" really.

You continue to suggest I should explain my "worthiness" or something , but you are the only one who cares about such things as status.

ask me specific questions, about anything, and I will answer you.


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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #27 on: February 22, 2011, 06:40:56 AM »
Don't care much for third person talk, so will say this directly to you, eris. When you first joined, I had you pegged as a troll; not many people talk about fucking the dead in their introduction thread. Later, I pegged you as one of those girls who has a need to be titillating in the presence of men. Everyone knows the type; the one that will never know how to be truly 'just friends' with a male. However, I'm quite aware of my own trouble with liking other females in general. These things take time with me. Now, I don't peg you as anything; don't know and don't really care. Your presence here has become a part of my routine, and I'm okay with that. Outside of some TMI for my personal taste, you seem fine just different from me. Maybe the two of you only need time to become desinsitized to each other.

Re-read this thread and noticed you addressed me directly so I thought I should at least answer it.

I'm not really looking to argue with anyone, it wasn't my idea to start these threads although I do admit I provoked her and "started it". That may not have been the most mature thing to do. It's not going to be a problem in the future.

I can see how people thought I was a troll, and the truth is I didn't care if I was not accepted. I'm an open person and I don't have to hide on the internet. Unless it is really obvious that I am joking, everything I have said about myself here is true.  I never really try to fit in on the internet - If I make friends somewhere I stick around and I have grown to really like intensity and all of the members. I can truly say that no one but Eclair has ever really annoyed me and I've gotten to know some really great people. But I don't really want to chitchat about the weather. I can see how my bluntness is boring to some and disgusting to others, but that's just the way I am. I've had issues with females all of my life because of me bein' so sexified and everything. But that is really not what happened here. I guess we just don't get each other. But I really do have more to offer than just my dirty mouth. I guess I'll have to prove that in time.

Don't care much for third person talk, so will say this directly to you, eris. When you first joined, I had you pegged as a troll; not many people talk about fucking the dead in their introduction thread. Later, I pegged you as one of those girls who has a need to be titillating in the presence of men. Everyone knows the type; the one that will never know how to be truly 'just friends' with a male. However, I'm quite aware of my own trouble with liking other females in general. These things take time with me. Now, I don't peg you as anything; don't know and don't really care. Your presence here has become a part of my routine, and I'm okay with that. Outside of some TMI for my personal taste, you seem fine just different from me. Maybe the two of you only need time to become desinsitized to each other.

Re-read this thread and noticed you addressed me directly so I thought I should at least answer it.

I'm not really looking to argue with anyone, it wasn't my idea to start these threads although I do admit I provoked her and "started it". That may not have been the most mature thing to do. It's not going to be a problem in the future.

I can see how people thought I was a troll, and the truth is I didn't care if I was not accepted. I'm an open person and I don't have to hide on the internet. Unless it is really obvious that I am joking, everything I have said about myself here is true.  I never really try to fit in on the internet - If I make friends somewhere I stick around and I have grown to really like intensity and all of the members. I can truly say that no one but Eclair has ever really annoyed me and I've gotten to know some really great people. But I don't really want to chitchat about the weather. I can see how my bluntness is boring to some and disgusting to others, but that's just the way I am. I've had issues with females all of my life because of me bein' so sexified and everything. But that is really not what happened here. I guess we just don't get each other. But I really do have more to offer than just my dirty mouth. I guess I'll have to prove that in time.

Correction, you tried to provoke me? What irked you was you don’t have the power to provoke me sweetness....despite your taking it across several threads, threw a tantrum when I didn’t answer your last comment because I was logging off at 12.45am my time...then, you sweetness, disappeared for a few days...should we just hold off this discussion because it’s all about you and your defensiveness about your drug use? But somehow, I am ‘the Bitch’....of course...blame away.
I simply asked how drugs played into your bdsm play, since it’s all you really talk about here, it’s your topic of interest. So, as much as you would like to say ‘I’m really not looking to argue with anyone’...well, no, of course you aren’t. You’ve already spewed out you don’t like me...etc etc...all this because someone asked about your bdsm drug use and how that works for you.

I have no doubts you will now play 'victim' that you were picked on, and you are damn lucky I can't be assed to pull your pathetic rantings from that night up and rehash them here.

I suggest you don't bother me again, or if you do, back yourself up instead of twisting what I say, posting it across several threads then slinking away for days, but calling me out for not answering because I logged off late at night.

And when you answer, can you not be spliffed up on dope? Kind of lacks credibility.

well I tried to get you to argue with me, and it worked.  :thumbup:

Well, now at least you admit the high school approach you had. It was a deliberate attempt...and when it failed, because I asked you to back yourself up, and that I wasn't here to please you, you had a cry about it, and plead that I was ignoring you.

Go have your stupid little power plays somewhere else eeris, and get a grip. Seriously.

Is that English ?

well I deliberately tried to get you to talk to me about this issue. You're the one that seems so upset  :laugh:

back myself up with what !!!  lol. I DONT LIKE YOU, that is all.

As I said, you were the one crying about being ignored. But time and again, nothing.

You can try to deflect with your condescending 'Is that English' comments and similar. That's fine.

Seems that when you were met head on, you had nothing, except a little puff of nothing. "you don't like me"...well who really gives a shit.

I'm not here to be liked, but that obviously means a lot to you based on your measurement of yourself of what online popularity means on other sites such as seemed quite excited about it.

What you can't deal with is your own perception of yourself and someone asked you a simple question about your BDSM activities and drugs, and all this because of your little tantrum. One minute you complain you aren't being answered, then when you get challenged head to head, you can't meet it because you are too weak to back yourself up except for bullshitty highschool trash like "Speak English"...

Really, if you think getting drugged and fucking guys off the internet and picking fights with anonymous chicks on the internet is all it takes to be a real woman, you are sadly mistaken.

Well, if it's a simple case of you not liking me, why exactly is that my problem?

No, you see, it's not my problem, as I've said a hundred times. It's yours.

Your other problem seems to be that I think I'm 'hot shit' to use your words.

So what eeris? I mean, really, how does that take *away* from you? You're not the first person to say it, and you won't be the last. I really don't care. If you have problems with your self esteem, and self worth, then I can only hope you get over it and wish you all the best with your life, regardless of whether you like me or not.

why is it your problem ? I dunno, why does it seem to upset you so much ?

I can see you brought my self worth into it again, cause it always is that way with you ... I must feel below you and have poor self esteem because of my  "lack of something or other " :(

I can truly say a lot of the older Dommes are similar to you in this aspect though, so maybe you are just old school or something. Sissy boys like the "im better than you routine."

I'll be happy to explain any of my fetishes though, or my drug use. I'll even go into further detail about why I don't like you but that seems a bit futile at this stage.  I'll even talk about meeting boys off the internet.

I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of, and I'll answer any question anyone has for me about myself or about this argument.

GTFO of the peanut gallery you two.
yeah, this is getting lame  :thumbdn:

circles  :facepalm2:

If there is anything NEW to discuss, we can move it over to the main event. But I don't think there is much else to say really - we are just talking at each other at this point.

Somehow I think this could be a never ending story, with some breaks.

Doms revisited or something would be an appropriate title then.

Yes, I agree, and I'm really bored of it all.

I never meant for all this mess to happen, but , meh, whatever.

we just keep repeating the same things to each other.  no matter how many times we repeat ourselves we are not going to convince each other of anything.

So, goodbye Eclair, let's hope we can avoid each other like adults from now on ?


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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #28 on: February 22, 2011, 08:21:09 AM »

So, as per the above, you were told to run along days ago.

Now you have chosen to come back and rehash it when it suits you because you 'don't like someone'....then, after a few rambling posts, at your whim, it's suddenly finished again? One minute I'm not answering you, then the next minute you're twisting it around.

It already was over eeris. And you rambling on when I logged off 'that I wouldn't answer you' or 'oh, she won't talk to me', then you come back days later on another tangent. Why don't you focus on what you know best rather than to start arguments because you don't like someone. No one gives a shit. Seriously, they don't.

I'm not answering in your 50 different 'Whine about Eclair' threads, the whole thing was over days ago.
yeah, it was over days ago, but you keep bumping the threads huh  :laugh:

you're the one who wont keep it to one thread, I even try to repost everything in the main callout thread trying to keep it all straight.

We aren't saying anything new to each other. Im sorry I hurt your feelings, Eclair :(  Hope you can get over it.

till then  ? unless you have something new to say.... I'm bored with this.

« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 08:23:23 AM by eris »


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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #29 on: February 22, 2011, 09:55:03 AM »
There has been a recent callout between her and les over her "morality". She didn't like the fact that les (and most people of i2) did not agree with her on pandering to pregnant women who act like complete cunts. There has been various other disagreements on various threads, mainly due to her PC nature on various topics such as implying that you should not be allowed to be a straight person or have your own sexual preferences, as that's deemed discriminating.

The funniest one was when she implied that I am homophobic because I don't like GA's transistion. I fail to see the connection there (since one can be STRAIGHT when transistioning), but it did give me a good chuckle. :laugh:
« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 09:58:53 AM by Schleed »