Maybe as you begin to master and learn things in your own life, you will actually understand the meaning of your own statements such as people 'choose to live different standards', rather than just shooting them off the cuff.
riiiiight, I need to " learn to master and learn things in my own life" ...... that doesn't sound like you have a superiority complex at all.

And people *do* choose to live to different standards, that is no ones perception. My issue is that you seem intolerant of others standards. Perhaps you may want to reword.
I guess I could say you don't know me either, and have no idea how Ive managed to "master and control my own life". But that really wouldn't be worth it, right ? Cause them I'm being defensive.
Or I could say something like you snap to judge others you do not know based on what you consider to be a personalty weakness, but the I just don;t know what I'm talking about because then I'm just too inexperienced or immature to know what I am talking about, huh ?
This is going in circles, to me it seems that I am saying you're acting superior, and you're responding by saying I'm not perceptive enough or mature enough to understand your intentions.
Or maybe now it will resort back to personal attacks about how I am not truly a dominant women, or that i am weak because I smoke pot ? I must be imagining this though, because you said you have friends that do such. Does this mean you think your friends are weak ? That's not a nice thing to think about friends.
I don't want to argue with you, not really, It doesn't really concern me that much. But I just want you to know- I think you're annoying