Author Topic: The Eclair versus eris callout.  (Read 2163 times)

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The Eclair versus eris callout.
« on: February 17, 2011, 05:52:14 AM »
While we all hate to have women get decked out in skimpy French maid outfits and wrestle sometimes it is inevitable.,3671.2550/topicseen.html Replies 2556 to 2558.


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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2011, 06:01:55 AM »
well, my first callout thread. I'll try not to disappoint.

I don't see a problem really, I'm not "mad" at her, I just wanted to ask her why it seems like she acts superior sometimes. I guess I should address her.

Eclair. I want to ask you a question. Why do all of your stabs at people seem to be about a question of personal worth ? I have no issue with your attitude, it is refreshing to see someone with a sharp tongue, but it seems so "morality" based. Is this just you being domme ? I really want to know. You have taken a few jabs at me in the past, refering to my own moral standings

And also, it seems like it is almost under your breath sometimes, like a little jab , to see if someone is listening. I think it is much more productive to come out and say what you feel.

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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2011, 06:07:20 AM »
well, my first callout thread. I'll try not to disappoint.

I don't see a problem really, I'm not "mad" at her, I just wanted to ask her why it seems like she acts superior sometimes. I guess I should address her.

Eclair. I want to ask you a question. Why do all of your stabs at people seem to be about a question of personal worth ? I have no issue with your attitude, it is refreshing to see someone with a sharp tongue, but it seems so "morality" based. Is this just you being domme ? I really want to know. You have taken a few jabs at me in the past, refering to my own moral standings

And also, it seems like it is almost under your breath sometimes, like a little jab , to see if someone is listening. I think it is much more productive to come out and say what you feel.

I do say what I feel. I don't see any reason to suppress that here. I doubt I should have to measure my posts here. They are what they are. Why you suddenly have a problem with it, really is not my problem.


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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2011, 06:20:50 AM »
No, it's not your problem I guess, and I don't really have a problem with you, but you're not answering the question

why is your personal morality superior to others, and why should we all live by your standards?

and to update, here is what happened in the other thread

well, I guess I could go on and dig up some examples, and I will if I must,  but I am sure you know what I mean

You do seem to have a lot of posts where you are chatting with friends and seems like a sweet girl, but other times it's obvious. really. I can remember when I first joined the site and you didn't even believe I was genuine with my words before you even got to talk to me. That is water under the bridge, it obviously didn't effect me I just wonder WHY you are this way.

It seems like the only things that stir your fiery tongue in you is when people are doing something you are somehow opposed to or dont agree with. To be a strong person is one thing, to be a dominant woman is one thing... but only to comment on what you seem to be weaknesses in others does not exude confidence.

If you really honestly do not think that others who live outside of society or do not live up to your standards are not worth respect, please, prove me wrong.

I'd suggest you back up your words with some kind of example, or leave it as it is. Or, are you stoned and bored and want to play online pretend dominance and brag to your Collarme boys?


see that is what I mean !

right there !


getting stoned, chatting about sex

these things are " beneath you "

I think any member here that is familiar with me knows I'm quite open about sex. I hate drugs. I always have, and I always will. To me they show a weakness, that no amount of beating on the chest of "I am so dominant" can extinguish. To me it shows loss of control and far from dominant behaviour. A person who is in control of their life, their actions etc is one I can respect.

That's not to say everyone isn't on their own journey, but I will never, and I mean never, respect someone for drug use and it conveys weakness to me. End of story.

you're proving my point, love

so, you're in control of yourself, people who smoke pot are not   ::)

I MUST be a weak person, unable to control my life,  and not really be a domme if I smoke pot, 'cause that is "weak"

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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2011, 06:31:46 AM »
No, it's not your problem I guess, and I don't really have a problem with you, but you're not answering the question

why is your personal morality superior to others, and why should we all live by your standards?

Why does my own personal opinion bother you so much, is the more interesting question.


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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2011, 06:39:01 AM »
ooh, quick change up, reverse psychology !  Im a pothead so I must fall for it, right ?  :thumbdn:

bothered ? ehh, not really. I aint mad at ya, I just think that you're trying to cover up some insecurity or something.

I didn't start the callout thread, but I will stay and talk about the situation and not get butthurt and change the subject.

It just seems like an insecure way to live - priding yourself on the fact that other people are weak and below you because they choose to live to different standards.

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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2011, 06:49:13 AM »
ooh, quick change up, reverse psychology !  Im a pothead so I must fall for it, right ?  :thumbdn:

bothered ? ehh, not really. I aint mad at ya, I just think that you're trying to cover up some insecurity or something.

I didn't start the callout thread, but I will stay and talk about the situation and not get butthurt and change the subject.

It just seems like an insecure way to live - priding yourself on the fact that other people are weak and below you because they choose to live to different standards.

No, I actually hope people live the best lives they can Eris, nothing more, nothing less. If you want to construe it into something other than it is, then perhaps you haven't been here long enough to understand the person I am.

As for drugs. There are people on this site that I do care very much about who use them, I don't think I need to explain myself to you about that. If you feel offended by my opinions, or you think somehow I am insecure...well, you are entitled to think that. I'm not going to play out my reasons for feeling pretty content about my journey so far....if you think that comes across as over confidence, then again, I can't help you. That is your perception. Maybe as you begin to master and learn things in your own life, you will actually understand the meaning of your own statements such as people 'choose to live different standards', rather than just shooting them off the cuff.


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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2011, 07:11:29 AM »
Maybe as you begin to master and learn things in your own life, you will actually understand the meaning of your own statements such as people 'choose to live different standards', rather than just shooting them off the cuff.

riiiiight, I need to " learn to master and learn things in my own life" ...... that doesn't sound like you have a superiority complex at all.  ::) And people *do* choose to live to different standards, that is no ones perception. My issue is that you seem intolerant of others standards.  Perhaps you may want to reword.

I guess I could say you don't know me either, and have no idea how Ive managed to "master and control my own life".  But that really wouldn't be worth it, right ? Cause them I'm being defensive.

Or I could say something like you snap to judge others you do not know based on what you consider to be a personalty weakness, but the I just don;t know what I'm talking about because then I'm just too inexperienced or immature to know what I am talking about, huh ?

This is going in circles, to me it seems that I am saying you're acting superior, and you're responding by saying I'm not perceptive enough or mature enough to understand your intentions. 

Or maybe now it will resort back to personal attacks about how I am not truly a dominant women, or that i am weak because I smoke pot ? I must be imagining this though, because you said you have friends that do such. Does this mean you think your friends are weak ? That's not a nice thing to think about friends.

I don't want to argue with you, not really, It doesn't really concern me that much. But I just want you to know- I think you're annoying :)


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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2011, 07:29:22 AM »
and that's real cute about how you're talking the "high road" in THIS thread, yet continuing with your lip in the other thread. We are both online right now, this is a real time discussion... can we keep this in one place ? Or do you want to act one way in one thread and another way in this one ?

I think the post below is the one that pissed you off. As you will know, drug taking is generally not recommended whilst 'playing'. If the below post pissed you off so much, that you felt the need to have a go at me rather than 'back up' why being stoned is the way to play, then it really reflects on you, not me. I suggest you run along if the below post by me is all it takes to annoy you, rather than back up your stance on drugged BDSM play.

well that is why I decided to say something to you at this moment, but not why you annoy me

Ive said over and over - my issue is that you believe you are superior. You can continue to drag other personal issues into it instead of actually talking about the issue,  doesnt bother me.

saying that " drugged bdsm play is not reccomended" is just another example of why you think you're superior, and you thinking I need to *explain* myself about a moral issues is my WHOLE problem with you

my stance on "drugged" BDSM play ?

 is that I smoke 2 joints in the morning, and I smoke 2 joints at night, and I smoke 2 joints in the afternoon cause they make me feel alright  :thumbup:

sorry that doest meet your standards :)

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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2011, 07:43:37 AM »
and that's real cute about how you're talking the "high road" in THIS thread, yet continuing with your lip in the other thread. We are both online right now, this is a real time discussion... can we keep this in one place ? Or do you want to act one way in one thread and another way in this one ?

I think the post below is the one that pissed you off. As you will know, drug taking is generally not recommended whilst 'playing'. If the below post pissed you off so much, that you felt the need to have a go at me rather than 'back up' why being stoned is the way to play, then it really reflects on you, not me. I suggest you run along if the below post by me is all it takes to annoy you, rather than back up your stance on drugged BDSM play.

well that is why I decided to say something to you at this moment, but not why you annoy me

Ive said over and over - my issue is that you believe you are superior. You can continue to drag other personal issues into it instead of actually talking about the issue,  doesnt bother me.

saying that " drugged bdsm play is not reccomended" is just another example of why you think you're superior, and you thinking I need to *explain* myself about a moral issues is my WHOLE problem with you

my stance on "drugged" BDSM play ?

 is that I smoke 2 joints in the morning, and I smoke 2 joints at night, and I smoke 2 joints in the afternoon cause they make me feel alright  :thumbup:

sorry that doest meet your standards :)

There's nothing to answer. You are arguing with yourself eris.


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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2011, 07:54:46 AM »
yes, im arguing with myself.

in this thread

Need I remind you, this is a concurrent conversation we are having ? Why are you taking the "high road" here and arguing with me over there ?

This is a real time converation we are having, not replying to each other at random.

So, if I have a comment that differs to someone else, I automatically *think* I am superior? That's an odd thing to say.

To be honest, as I said, it seems your insecurity about how much you use has caused you to take on some kind of stance against me. If you really honestly thought it was not such a big deal, and quite acceptable and you in fact were confident and happy with your drug use, I doubt you would have said anything to me or have been annoyed by what I said.


so, you're sayiing I secretly think I'm a drug addict and you "showing me the way" caused me to have some sort of butthurt reaction ?

naaa, you're not projecting at all  !!!

And if I feel like saying something to you I will say it. Im not going to keep an opinion to myself because you don't think it is an approptiate time to make it. Confronting you does not mean you've upset me, only that I want to call you out cause I think you're acting like a jerk.  

I made one statement and now I'm 'showing you the way'. Spare me, and run along. You are making a fool of yourself.

right, cause im a pothead fool that needs to learn how to control and master my life  ::)

Your replies to my claims that you feel superior to others, is that you feel superior to others. I dont think we have anything else to talk about.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2011, 07:57:21 AM by eris »

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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2011, 11:52:59 AM »
hehehehe :D

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2011, 11:53:55 AM »
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2011, 12:31:33 PM »
hehehehe :D

Yep.  ;)

Lol , why are catfights so amusing to straight guys? <- potential thread?
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  

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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2011, 12:38:04 PM »
Dunno.  :laugh:
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"