Author Topic: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.  (Read 33665 times)

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Offline bodie

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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #750 on: February 16, 2013, 02:20:40 AM »
It was not me but my gimp.  he has been returned to his box.  with his gimp ball in his gob.  repenting.  i gave him a slap.
blah blah blah

Offline Jack

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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #751 on: February 16, 2013, 02:35:23 AM »
Gimps don't require a pretty please.

Offline bodie

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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #752 on: February 16, 2013, 02:52:37 AM »
very true.  gimps require strict authority.  and lots of rubber.  feeding optional. 
blah blah blah

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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #753 on: February 16, 2013, 04:06:32 AM »
My daughter had a nightmare about a space rock hitting us, ending everything. I guess she browsed teh interwebz last night, instead of sleeping, and watched all those Russian videos.
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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #754 on: February 16, 2013, 08:38:02 AM »
My daughter had a nightmare about a space rock hitting us, ending everything. I guess she browsed teh interwebz last night, instead of sleeping, and watched all those Russian videos.

My youngest used to have nightmares like that when she was a toddler. Without any watching of Russian videos.
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Offline skyblue1

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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #755 on: February 18, 2013, 06:29:45 PM »

A term I haven't heard in a long time, and thinking about
'fender skirts' started me thinking about other words that
quietly disappear from our language with hardly a notice like
'curb feelers'

And 'steering knobs.' (AKA)
'suicide knob,' 'neckers knobs.'

Since I'd been thinking of cars,
my mind naturally went that direction first.

Any kids will probably have to find some older person
over 50 to explain some of these terms to you.

Remember 'Continental kits?'

They were rear bumper extenders and spare tire covers
that were supposed to make any car
as cool as a Lincoln Continental.

When did we quit calling them 'emergency brakes?
At some point 'parking brake' became the proper term.

But I miss the hint of drama that went with 'emergency brake.'

I'm sad, too, that almost all the old folks are gone
who would call the accelerator the 'foot feed.'

Many today do not even know what a clutch is
or that the dimmer switch used to be on the floor.

For that matter, the starter was down there too.

The choke is another word that the young wouldn’t know about.

Didn't you ever wait at the street for your daddy
to come home, so you could ride the
'running board' up to the house?

Here's a phrase I heard all the time in my youth
but never anymore - 'store-bought.'
Of course, just about everything is store-bought these days.

But once it was bragging material to have a
store-bought dress or a store-bought bag of candy.

'Coast to coast' is a phrase that once held all sorts
of excitement and now means almost nothing.

Now we take the term 'worldwide' for granted.

This floors me.

On a smaller scale, 'wall-to-wall' was once
a magical term in our homes.
In the '50s, everyone covered his or her hardwood floors
with, wow, wall-to-wall carpeting!

Today, everyone replaces their wall-to-wall carpeting
with hardwood floors. Go figure.

When was the last time you heard the quaint phrase
'in a family way?'
It's hard to imagine that the word 'pregnant'
was once considered a little too graphic,
a little too clinical for use in polite company,
so we had all that talk about stork visits and
'being in a family way' or simply 'expecting.'
Apparently 'brassiere' is a word no longer in usage.

I said it the other day and everyone cracked up.
I guess it's just 'bra' now.

'Unmentionables' probably wouldn't be understood at all.

I always loved going to the 'picture show,'
but I considered 'movie' an affectation.

Most of these words go back to the '50s,
but here's a pure '60s word I came across
the other day 'rat fink.'
Ooh, what a nasty put-down!

Here's a word I miss - 'percolator.'
That was just a fun word to say.

And what was it replaced with 'Coffee maker.'
How dull... Mr. Coffee, I blame you for this.

I miss those made-up marketing words that were
meant to sound so modern and now sound so retro.

Words like 'Dyna Flow' and 'Electrolux' and 'Frigidaire'.
We were introduced to the 1963 Admiral TV,
now it's
'Flat Screen Video'

Food for thought.

Was there a telethon that wiped out lumbago or rheumatism?
Nobody complains of that anymore.

Maybe that's what Castor oil cured,
because I never hear mothers threatening kids
with Castor Oil anymore.

Some words aren't gone, but are definitely
on the endangered list.

The one that grieves me most is 'supper.'
Now everybody says 'dinner.' Save a great word.
Invite someone to supper. Discuss fender skirts.

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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #756 on: February 18, 2013, 07:07:06 PM »
Wringer washing machines (I got my arm caught in the wringer when I was a toddler, quite dangerous)
Scarlet fever
TV dinner
rotary phones
party lines
When the air conditioning in the car was the small window near the side windows in the door.
6 ounce cokes
glasses for seeing
one week stays in the hospital when having a baby
running around barefoot alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll summer long
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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #757 on: February 19, 2013, 12:32:02 AM »
I have trouble saying anything truly random.
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Offline Charlotte Quin

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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #758 on: March 17, 2013, 04:22:47 AM »
I just found the most expensive bottle of wine:

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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #759 on: March 17, 2013, 09:00:47 AM »
very true.  gimps require strict authority.  and lots of rubber.  feeding optional.

I like you. You are pretty!  :orly: :orly: :orly: :orly:

Offline Queen Victoria

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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #760 on: March 20, 2013, 12:12:51 PM »
While posting in Rage's Outline for a report thread, I had this flashback.  Does anyone remember (or remember making) the paper pop guns that would pop out when you swung it hard?  There are websites for making this and other more advanced ones. 

I guess they went the way of the paper airplane.  Le sigh.
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #761 on: March 20, 2013, 12:26:35 PM »
While posting in Rage's Outline for a report thread, I had this flashback.  Does anyone remember (or remember making) the paper pop guns that would pop out when you swung it hard?  There are websites for making this and other more advanced ones. 

I guess they went the way of the paper airplane.  Le sigh.

I remember my pap buying me a pop gun every time we went to silver dollar city when I was a little boy. My sister, any animals, hell any living beings knew to stay away from the annoying brat with a pop gun. Lmao.
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Offline bodie

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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #762 on: March 22, 2013, 09:17:10 AM »
I have been to London.  To see a private consultant to get a diagnosis of ADHD for the urchin!  £2200  :o

Oh but don't you have the nhs? i hear you saying
 Yes.  I call it the  Non Health Service now.  They kept us waiting for 18 months and i am in the process of making a formal complaint.

Anyway,  the boy got ADHD and he now got meds

blah blah blah

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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #763 on: March 22, 2013, 01:30:24 PM »
Glad to hear that, Bodie. I hope things will improve for the urchin now.

And it's good to have you back. :)
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline 'andersom'

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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #764 on: March 22, 2013, 04:47:33 PM »
Hope things will change for the better for you and the Urchin, Bodie.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!