
Author Topic: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.  (Read 33773 times)

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Offline Queen Victoria

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The State has bought up an enormous lot of land in New Orleans to build a VA/LSU hospital complex.  One of the last things they had to do was to implode an old hotel/apartment building this morning.  It was 20+ stories high and was bounded by the Interstate on one side and Canal Street on another.  Here is the final result:

Canal Street is where the 2 trees are and the Interstate is below with an exit curving around to Canal Street.
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


Offline odeon

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That is an awesome picture. :plus:
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein


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Anemone nemorosa
Anemones nemorosae
Anemonae nemorosae
Anemonen nemorosam
Anemone nemorosa
Anemone nemorosa

Anemonae nemorosae
Anemonarum nemorosarum
Anemonis nemorosis
Anemonas nemorosas
Anemonis nemorosis
Anemonae nemorosae



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Piper nigrum
Piperis nigri
Piperi nigro
Piper nigrum
Pipere nigro
Piper nigrum

Pipera nigra
Piperum nigrorum
Piperibus nigris
Pipera nigra
Piperibus nigris
Pipera nigra

« Last Edit: July 25, 2012, 04:29:46 PM by Lit »


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The i in nigrum is always short, so it sounds horribly politically incorrect  :autism:

Offline lutra

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Jesus christ.. I was attacked by a mad dog last Juli 24th/almost two full days ago. No kid ya. I was out cycling on my mountain bike, at p/m 21h45, when all of a sudden, from the parking space/the front garden of a big house, some sort of big fight dog, barking like two mother fucker, came running towards me.. and ja, I knew it was bad news from the get-go then.

Jesus christ.. I'm very lucky it only bit the middle finger on my left hand. I had to keep the BIG crazy fucker away from me with my bike (struggling to keep the bike between the dog and me).. for a couple of minutes.. till it's owner finally arrived on the scene.

Um, most of the time me and dogs go together quite well. Really. I sometimes think (not very seriously) of myself as someone with the soul of a (relaxed/big) dog.. but this was just shear madness, I tell ya. This was total law breaking stuff (here in Holland/not per se so in this city though).

Jesus christ.. most correct perception here should be that I had to defend my life, or surely my limps, there and then. Feels like 'my dog's soul' kinda saved me, I'm reckoning now. Kept repeating: 'Calm down, calm down', 'I wish to do you no harm', 'calm the fuck down'.

Dog caught me whilst I didn't defend myself properly for a moment there. I was forced to push it's big, mad/mean looking, head away from my leg and that's the moment the dog bit my hand.

Went to the emergency department of the local hospital and got my tetanus shot p/m an hour after the event took place and I've been on antibiotics for the last two days too. Um, not particularly feeling that great (but that's maybe also hot/clammy weather related.. imo, the shittiest weather on the weather-spectrum here).

Am now pondering what to do about the lack of helping effort by it's owner that evening. Dog is clearly a threat to the public and he waited way to long to get the dog to calm down. He was there when the crazy dog managed to bite me, watching from 10/15 meters. He saw what happened but took action way too late, IMO.
Solum certum nihil esse certi et homine nihil miserius aut superbius.


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Cave canem, lutra!  :viking:

Offline MissKitty

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Holy crap Lutra. That's crazy. Dog attacks can be really scary.
"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this." - Anonymous

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Offline 'andersom'

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@ Lutra,

Je kan aangifte doen, maar, ook een melding maken.

A "melding" will merely mention it at the policestation, they will not act on it, but, it will be listed. The moment someone else has the same complaint, they can act on it better, because it has been mentioned before. So, a melding will not cause an action against the dog-owner, but, he will have a red flag. "Aangifte doen" is said to be a real hassle.

Don't expect miracles though. I had one dog in my "wijk" as a postie, who had a street-restraining order, because of all the biting she had done, but, she still roamed the streets as queen of her neighbourhood. Luckily, she decided I was not someone to bite. Even with her preference for posties and newspaper kids.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

Offline MissKitty

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"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this." - Anonymous

"Sleep, structure and time are a wonderful loom to weave a life on." ~ Her Majesty

Offline lutra

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Ah, thanks, Hykey. A 'melding' is worth a try, I reckon.. knowing an 'aangifte' is indeed quite a hassle. Esp. for me.. those morons hate my AS guts here.

For sure, when there's a hospital/medicine bill I'll have to pay (not sure/I am insured ofc.), I going to claim that summa back from him. I know where he lives and..

Well, we'll see..

@ MissK.. bizarrely I stayed quite collected for some reason. I just had to.. otherwise shit would have really hit the fan, I think. Think dog grew confused.. whilst I kept on talking to it. I tend to do so towards almost all animals in general. It just helps.

(it's my charming low/relaxed voice, I think  :eyelash: ) (haahaah)
Solum certum nihil esse certi et homine nihil miserius aut superbius.

Offline MissKitty

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You were right to do so though even if your calm voice is saying "please don't eat me" in soothing tones :laugh:

If your energy escalates than the dogs energy will do the same.
"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this." - Anonymous

"Sleep, structure and time are a wonderful loom to weave a life on." ~ Her Majesty

Offline lutra

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I've wondered (been wondering) what counter attack would be effective with such a big and crazy dog. Wish most dogs no harm but.. I don't think a really hard fist blow in it's face would've helped me much. Bet I could 'out' a none fighter dog but these mother fuckers are really tough. They're bred (for over 100's of years) and picked specifically to fight.. other dogs, bulls, etc.

Something up their arse, you sometimes hear s/o say.. well, I doubt it. Maybe grab a (behind) leg and lift the dog.. maybe even slam the føcker against a tree.

Well, again.. I'm alive and kicking. Probs did the right thing, I reckon.

(okay, enough about my dog encounter adventure)(um, maybe.. )
Solum certum nihil esse certi et homine nihil miserius aut superbius.


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Buy a Cobra 6 and throw at him  :angel:

Offline lutra

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Ja, that would actually work, I think. A good lighter on full force might also work. Simply pointing it towards the sucker would probably work too. Furry animals and fire, eeh.

Ah, think that's one of the simplest method to go about shite like that. I have a lighter that 'throws' a 10cm flame.. bet that will make an aggressive dog think twice.

(in that way thanks for the Cobra 6 suggestion there.. made me think of.. um, read above.. )
Solum certum nihil esse certi et homine nihil miserius aut superbius.