
Author Topic: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.  (Read 33714 times)

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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #435 on: February 10, 2012, 11:39:35 AM »
Sat in the bus opposite of a girl in a wheelchair. And she started a conversation, asking how much too late the bus was.
The bus did not have a functional plate to make it possible to roll herself in. And, half of the safety-belt, used to secure a wheelchair, was missing. She was like a marble in a pinball-machine.
Hats off for the bus driver, who decided we all could arrive 10 minutes later, to keep the ride as safe as possible for her.

We got her out safely too, despite ramp not working.

The girl and I had a fun conversation. She had a wit and a way of non emotional talking and thinking that was kind of familiar. Would not mind at all to see her again.

Shocking to hear that the company she drove with today, was one of the better. About 75% of their buses had functional safety belts.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #436 on: February 10, 2012, 11:48:15 AM »
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

'People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.'
George Bernard Shaw

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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #437 on: February 10, 2012, 11:59:35 AM »

A classic.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #438 on: February 11, 2012, 03:14:04 PM »
Estimations are that there were over a million skaters (folks in general) on the ice in Holland today. Outside on ice formed naturally, I mean. The Dutch simply love doing that.

Um, not a photo of today's stampede but..
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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #439 on: February 11, 2012, 05:28:41 PM »
Estimations are that there were over a million skaters (folks in general) on the ice in Holland today. Outside on ice formed naturally, I mean. The Dutch simply love doing that.

Um, not a photo of today's stampede but..

Your post brought the story Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates to mind.
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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #440 on: February 12, 2012, 12:06:50 PM »
Estimations are that there were over a million skaters (folks in general) on the ice in Holland today. Outside on ice formed naturally, I mean. The Dutch simply love doing that.

Um, not a photo of today's stampede but..

That is some beautiful ice perfect for skating :thumbup:
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

'People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.'
George Bernard Shaw

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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #441 on: February 12, 2012, 02:29:47 PM »
Um, another one? This photo was taken yesterday (for a newspaper/news site).

Sørry før the windmill stereotyping on both pictures/they're not everywhere here..

Oh, after this night the frost will be over and probably the ice will be gone soon after that..
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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #442 on: February 23, 2012, 09:11:29 PM »
This is fascinating: 

A Ninteenth Century Mystery.
On may 15, 1859, a child was born, She was the tenth child from a family of twelve. Her name was Ellen Sadler. there was nothing particularly remarkable about her, or any of the other children. Until Thursday, march 29, 1871, Ellen went to bed as usual. And did'nt wake up.

And just like a sleeping beauty, she didn't wake for nearly ten years.

The story starts in a sleepy little village in the heart of the English countryside. Turville is situated in the Hambleden valley, in between Oxford and Buckinghamshire. About 400 people lived in the scattered parish, and the village was mainly dominated by the Bailey family who lived at Turville Court.

At the corner of school lane there lay an old cottage, that is still there. It was owned by a farm labourer called Frewen, his wife Ann, and her children,. the children were from her first marriage to a man called Sadler.

The day started off normally, Frewen and the children got up and went about their business, but it wasn't until they realised that Ellen wasn't getting ready, that they began to suspect there was something wrong. Ellen was a quiet child most of the time, sedate, and thoughtful, She was also known to be dreamy, and had a listless manner about her which could be quite disturbing. Sometimes her distant expression and melancholy ways, made her brothers and sisters, leave her to her own thoughts, knowing that she didn't want to join in with their childish games and sports. She didn't have any friends and most of the time, she just sat at the bedroom window looking out at the world.

She had a great reverence for sacred things, and was always good and obedient, but it troubled her mother that she would sit for hours, by the fireside, with her head in her hands, staring at the flames and watching the shadows as they danced across the walls.

In fact the only time she would show any animation was when her father would return from the nearest tavern slightly the worst for wear, and she would give him a good talking too.!

At eleven years old, coming from an impoverished village, she had to start work. Her parents sent her to Marlow to become a nursemaid for a family with two young children.

This employment didn't last for long. Her fits of somnolence became regular and she became so stupid and useless (the words used at the time), that her mistress could not keep her.

After she had been discharged from the job, she started to complain about a constant pain in her head, evidently it was much more than just a normal headache,

Her parents became worried and sent her to a doctor in nearby Marlow, who diagnosed an abscess.

Poor little Ellen was sent to Reading hospital, and stayed there for seventeen weeks. Feeling a little bit better, she was sent home to Turville on Tuesday, March 27, 1871.

Two days later, on the Thursday, Ellen went to sleep.

A Dr. Hayman, from nearby Stockenchurch, rushed in his pony and trap, as quickly as he could , but by the time he got there, she couldn't be roused. as she lay there, apparently dead, her almost imperceptible breathing was the only thing showed she still had life in her body.

So began what even the great paper, The Times, called , 'one of the most astounding, inexplicable, physiological phenomena ever known'.

soon medical men and gentry were flocking to Turville to examine the sleeping girl. Ellen's mother didn't mind these visits, even encouraging them in fact. But there was a curious occurrence when she told one visitor that, she couldn't let him see her daughter yet, as she 'had to get her ready'

Eventually when the men were allowed to see her, this is what they saw.

The Free Press of the time, graphically explained.

After climbing the rickety stairs, and walked along to the room with the sloping roof, we saw , in the smaller bed, a girl laying on her left side, with her hand on the pillow under her head. A position she was accustomed to be in before she was afflicted.

The paper quotes: Her soft dark brown hair was confined in an old net. and appeared to be very matted, a condition her mother explained by saying she did not want to comb it for fear of disturbing her.

'This threw her pale face into greater relief, her eyes were sunken, and the appearance at a distance was that of death.

Many people who came to see her wanted to take a lock of her hair as a souvenir. Her mother was willing to grant this until all the peoples demands began to diminish the supply. It was only then that she refused to cut any more.

The strange thing was that her breathing was regular and natural, and her skin was still soft and her body was warm. Her pulse was slightly fast, but that was the only strange occurrence for somebody asleep.

Evidently her body was was still flexible but she was emaciated. Her feet and legs were the only part of her that was icy cold, which was strange. Her mother placed a hot water bottle beneath them to try and keep them warm.

Year after year, people came, and began to leave what was called small donations, or 'slight acknowledgements' as the were beginning to be called.

Suspicion began to grow that maybe this was a hoax, and the people began to turn against the family.

The main trouble was the fact that, according to her mother, Ellen was being kept alive by a small amount of port wine and sugar which she administered to Ellen through two small teapots, three times a day. At first she could open her mouth slightly and take a small spoonful, but after about fifteen months, her jaw became fixed and they had to use the teapots, pouring the mixture into the corner of her mouth, where she had a small opening because of a missing tooth. Sometimes a Small amount of milk was given to her, but this was all she had.

By this time the medical world was baffled. Rumours exist that among the elder Turville residents that Royalty even took an interest in her.

The prince of wales, the future King Edward, visited her and gave her the 'laying on of hands' which people in those days believed would cure the afflicted.

By this time, the doctors who where attending to her, began to realise that the local population was finding the whole thing very suspicious. So on entering the house, usually at unexpected moments to catch the family out, they would very carefully hide pointed needles up their sleeves so as to prick Ellen on her legs and arms to try and make her react. One doctor even suggested something called galvanism, in other words electric therapy. But nothing woke her.

The offers of money to come and see Ellen was quite substantial by this time. Ellen's mother was earning two pounds a week through donations. This would be about one hundred pounds in modern money. You can understand peoples scepticism.

Eventually someone, probably out of spite, wrote to the highest echelons of government, and the home secretary of the time demanded an investigation. This didn't come to anything as they were told that the parents were not deliberately asking for money. The people became frustrated and the whole thing simmered on until after a few years, in late may 1880, after a particularly bad thunderstorm, Ellens mother came in from the fields where she had been working, and feeling frightened and jumpy consequently had a heart attack and died before the doctor could reach her.

The inquest which was held at the Bull and Butcher pub, was straight forward, but of course everybody wanted to know what would happen to Ellen. Dr. Hayman was again confronted about his diagnosis, and defended himself by saying that Ellen was definitely paralysed and unconscious. Still they thought it a confidence trick. People came forward and said they had seen Ellen walking through the grave yard at night, and looking through the bedroom window when she thought there was nobody looking.

It was decided that Ellen would be looked after by her sister Elizabeth Stacey, wife of a bricklayer.

Then a strange thing happened. Five months later, Ellen began showing signs of waking. On New Years Eve 1880, more than nine years after falling asleep, the Free Press broke the news that at last the sleeping girl of Turville, was awake. She was conscious and speaking.

Ellen was twenty one years of age. But she spoke and acted like a child. She had absolutely no memory of those nine strange years.

After adjusting back into the real world, Ellen went to stay with her Aunt, a Mrs Blackwell, annd earned her living working with beads. A few years later she married a farmer from Reading and moved out of the district. Later dying in obscurity.

Was it Narcolepsy? At the time the Doctors wouldn't have known about the illness. They are still not sure today.

Like all strange mysteries, we shall never know the truth.

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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #443 on: February 24, 2012, 04:09:13 PM »
Project Gutenberg has the 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose.  Simply a must read.
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #444 on: February 24, 2012, 09:51:12 PM »
This is fascinating: 

A Ninteenth Century Mystery.
On may 15, 1859, a child was born, She was the tenth child from a family of twelve. Her name was Ellen Sadler. there was nothing particularly remarkable about her, or any of the other children. Until Thursday, march 29, 1871, Ellen went to bed as usual. And did'nt wake up.

And just like a sleeping beauty, she didn't wake for nearly ten years.

The story starts in a sleepy little village in the heart of the English countryside. Turville is situated in the Hambleden valley, in between Oxford and Buckinghamshire. About 400 people lived in the scattered parish, and the village was mainly dominated by the Bailey family who lived at Turville Court.

At the corner of school lane there lay an old cottage, that is still there. It was owned by a farm labourer called Frewen, his wife Ann, and her children,. the children were from her first marriage to a man called Sadler.

The day started off normally, Frewen and the children got up and went about their business, but it wasn't until they realised that Ellen wasn't getting ready, that they began to suspect there was something wrong. Ellen was a quiet child most of the time, sedate, and thoughtful, She was also known to be dreamy, and had a listless manner about her which could be quite disturbing. Sometimes her distant expression and melancholy ways, made her brothers and sisters, leave her to her own thoughts, knowing that she didn't want to join in with their childish games and sports. She didn't have any friends and most of the time, she just sat at the bedroom window looking out at the world.

She had a great reverence for sacred things, and was always good and obedient, but it troubled her mother that she would sit for hours, by the fireside, with her head in her hands, staring at the flames and watching the shadows as they danced across the walls.

In fact the only time she would show any animation was when her father would return from the nearest tavern slightly the worst for wear, and she would give him a good talking too.!

At eleven years old, coming from an impoverished village, she had to start work. Her parents sent her to Marlow to become a nursemaid for a family with two young children.

This employment didn't last for long. Her fits of somnolence became regular and she became so stupid and useless (the words used at the time), that her mistress could not keep her.

After she had been discharged from the job, she started to complain about a constant pain in her head, evidently it was much more than just a normal headache,

Her parents became worried and sent her to a doctor in nearby Marlow, who diagnosed an abscess.

Poor little Ellen was sent to Reading hospital, and stayed there for seventeen weeks. Feeling a little bit better, she was sent home to Turville on Tuesday, March 27, 1871.

Two days later, on the Thursday, Ellen went to sleep.

A Dr. Hayman, from nearby Stockenchurch, rushed in his pony and trap, as quickly as he could , but by the time he got there, she couldn't be roused. as she lay there, apparently dead, her almost imperceptible breathing was the only thing showed she still had life in her body.

So began what even the great paper, The Times, called , 'one of the most astounding, inexplicable, physiological phenomena ever known'.

soon medical men and gentry were flocking to Turville to examine the sleeping girl. Ellen's mother didn't mind these visits, even encouraging them in fact. But there was a curious occurrence when she told one visitor that, she couldn't let him see her daughter yet, as she 'had to get her ready'

Eventually when the men were allowed to see her, this is what they saw.

The Free Press of the time, graphically explained.

After climbing the rickety stairs, and walked along to the room with the sloping roof, we saw , in the smaller bed, a girl laying on her left side, with her hand on the pillow under her head. A position she was accustomed to be in before she was afflicted.

The paper quotes: Her soft dark brown hair was confined in an old net. and appeared to be very matted, a condition her mother explained by saying she did not want to comb it for fear of disturbing her.

'This threw her pale face into greater relief, her eyes were sunken, and the appearance at a distance was that of death.

Many people who came to see her wanted to take a lock of her hair as a souvenir. Her mother was willing to grant this until all the peoples demands began to diminish the supply. It was only then that she refused to cut any more.

The strange thing was that her breathing was regular and natural, and her skin was still soft and her body was warm. Her pulse was slightly fast, but that was the only strange occurrence for somebody asleep.

Evidently her body was was still flexible but she was emaciated. Her feet and legs were the only part of her that was icy cold, which was strange. Her mother placed a hot water bottle beneath them to try and keep them warm.

Year after year, people came, and began to leave what was called small donations, or 'slight acknowledgements' as the were beginning to be called.

Suspicion began to grow that maybe this was a hoax, and the people began to turn against the family.

The main trouble was the fact that, according to her mother, Ellen was being kept alive by a small amount of port wine and sugar which she administered to Ellen through two small teapots, three times a day. At first she could open her mouth slightly and take a small spoonful, but after about fifteen months, her jaw became fixed and they had to use the teapots, pouring the mixture into the corner of her mouth, where she had a small opening because of a missing tooth. Sometimes a Small amount of milk was given to her, but this was all she had.

By this time the medical world was baffled. Rumours exist that among the elder Turville residents that Royalty even took an interest in her.

The prince of wales, the future King Edward, visited her and gave her the 'laying on of hands' which people in those days believed would cure the afflicted.

By this time, the doctors who where attending to her, began to realise that the local population was finding the whole thing very suspicious. So on entering the house, usually at unexpected moments to catch the family out, they would very carefully hide pointed needles up their sleeves so as to prick Ellen on her legs and arms to try and make her react. One doctor even suggested something called galvanism, in other words electric therapy. But nothing woke her.

The offers of money to come and see Ellen was quite substantial by this time. Ellen's mother was earning two pounds a week through donations. This would be about one hundred pounds in modern money. You can understand peoples scepticism.

Eventually someone, probably out of spite, wrote to the highest echelons of government, and the home secretary of the time demanded an investigation. This didn't come to anything as they were told that the parents were not deliberately asking for money. The people became frustrated and the whole thing simmered on until after a few years, in late may 1880, after a particularly bad thunderstorm, Ellens mother came in from the fields where she had been working, and feeling frightened and jumpy consequently had a heart attack and died before the doctor could reach her.

The inquest which was held at the Bull and Butcher pub, was straight forward, but of course everybody wanted to know what would happen to Ellen. Dr. Hayman was again confronted about his diagnosis, and defended himself by saying that Ellen was definitely paralysed and unconscious. Still they thought it a confidence trick. People came forward and said they had seen Ellen walking through the grave yard at night, and looking through the bedroom window when she thought there was nobody looking.

It was decided that Ellen would be looked after by her sister Elizabeth Stacey, wife of a bricklayer.

Then a strange thing happened. Five months later, Ellen began showing signs of waking. On New Years Eve 1880, more than nine years after falling asleep, the Free Press broke the news that at last the sleeping girl of Turville, was awake. She was conscious and speaking.

Ellen was twenty one years of age. But she spoke and acted like a child. She had absolutely no memory of those nine strange years.

After adjusting back into the real world, Ellen went to stay with her Aunt, a Mrs Blackwell, annd earned her living working with beads. A few years later she married a farmer from Reading and moved out of the district. Later dying in obscurity.

Was it Narcolepsy? At the time the Doctors wouldn't have known about the illness. They are still not sure today.

Like all strange mysteries, we shall never know the truth.
Maggie Meier would cradle the beach ball in her hands and, with perfect form, shoot it through her the arms of her sister, who had formed a makeshift hoop.


The only thing out of the ordinary? Maggie Meier was in a coma.

“I have never seen anything like it,” said Dr. William Graf, Meier’s neurologist. “The act of shooting a basketball must have been ingrained as one of Maggie’s basic instincts — her basketball shooting motion came back to her even before she was able to stand up or walk again.”

Sometimes the family would transfer her into a chair where she would shoot a ball into a mini hoop. After a few minutes of shooting, she would go back to her comatose state.

In the fall of 2008, Meier, now a senior at Blue Valley Northwest High School in Overland Park, Kan., complained to her parents about feeling ill. When her condition worsened they rushed her to the hospital, where she had a seizure.

Doctors eventually discovered Meier was suffering from mycoplasma meningoencephalitis, a type of meningitis that caused swelling in her brain. They tried to keep her seizures under control and, a few times, had to resuscitate her.

She ended up in the hospital for 100 days. For two-and-a-half months, she was in a coma. Her doctors and family had to do everything for her, from turning her every two hours to moving her arms and legs for her so they wouldn’t stiffen.

The moments when she was awake are just tales to Meier, not memories.

“Coming back to normal, I hear stories like that, like shooting the beach ball,” she said. “I played basketball my whole life, since third grade. I had the knowledge of playing and knowing what was going on in a game.”

What Meier called “normal” was a complete restart of her life.

She had to relearn everything — how to walk, speak and read. Social cues that once came easily had disappeared. But Meier still wanted to play the game she loved.

“When we brought her home, she would get in her wheelchair and try to shoot hoops,” said Margaret Meier, her mother. “When you have a brain injury to that degree, no one can predict how far along you’ll be able to go.”

Her freshman year was completely lost after so much promise on the court — Meier was once a sharpshooter who won an AAU national title on a team coached by her father, Steve.

Eventually, when the Meiers’ insurance ran out, they sent Maggie back to school where she was still early in her recovery, still trying to walk and talk correctly.

Basketball proved therapeutic. Huskies coach David Glenn, who literally kept a chair on the bench with a “reserved for Maggie Meier” sign while she was in the hospital, worked with her.

It paid off — Meier made the JV team her sophomore year and joined the Huskies’ varsity squad the next season.

This year she was a part-time starter and on Monday was in the starting lineup as she celebrated Senior Night, the culmination of more than three years of recovery.

“When I’m out there, I don’t think about it that much,” said Meier. “I just think I’ve been here for years. But when I do think about it, it’s pretty awesome.”

Later this year, she’ll graduate and attend Benedictine College in Kansas, though basketball will take a back seat.

Inspired by her experience, Meier wants to earn a degree in special education. “Seeing what I was like, it helped me appreciate what other people go through every day,” she said.

Though she may only play intramural hoops at Benedictine, Meier’s story has inspired at least one collegiate coach.

After the Kansas City Star reported Meier’s story, Graf, whose daughter plays for Yale, said he spoke to the Bulldogs’ head coach Chris Gobrecht about Meier’s incredible comeback.

“[She] said, ‘Anyone who has gone through that . . . can be on my team,’” Meier said. “That’s pretty cool.”

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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #445 on: February 28, 2012, 05:31:36 PM »
To those who tried to 'help' me before..

Well, don't.. pleeeease.. cos you're not helpful at all..
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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #446 on: March 01, 2012, 12:03:45 AM »
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #447 on: March 01, 2012, 11:18:04 AM »
Oinky doinky, an ex-girlfriend of mine (25 years ago) is going to make an edition of the Playboy. It's going to be a special lesbian version of said magazine. Well, not Maartje, bi-sexual back then, herself is going to show her beauty but she's going to guide/look for models for the Dutch version of Playboy in July.

Just read it in my newspaper, and although I never buy the magazine myself, I might then.

Man, I was crazy² in love with that girl in my junior high/highschool(?) days. Such a sweetheart she was. Bright, funny and really creative as well. Me finding out she had a girlfriend on the side broke my heart then. :tard: Really silly/stupid, looking back now.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2012, 11:26:28 AM by lutra »
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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #448 on: March 01, 2012, 07:05:28 PM »

Offline Queen Victoria

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Re: random thread, for all that you can't find an appropriate thread for.
« Reply #449 on: March 14, 2012, 04:28:51 PM »
How I wish I was in England for real.  Unbelievably gorgeous.  Makes me cry that it isn't real and I can't live the story.
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