Ok, this is going to be a really unpopular thread

I don't care
Ok so the word emo gets thrown around a lot, on here and in life. I'm guessing most people dont know what emo really is. It's music. That's all. To call someone emo beause they are being an emotinal twit, that's something else. Im talking about the music.
ok so 99% of it DOES suck - but it comes from punk !!!! So, it all can't be that bad. I don't like "emo" at all really, so put your Dashboard Confessional away TYVM , Im talking about Screamo.
Bands like ( one of my favorite bands of all time)


changed music...... It went from Hardcore Punk, to Post- Hardore, to something called Emo.
Screamo is NOT emo. but it is very much like emo when it comes to some of the musical styings and it is definitly "from" emo.
So, Give Screamo a chance. No anything you hear on the radio or music stations is going to suck along with evey other song on the radio.
Here are 2 examples of some of the best Screamo out there. If you dont like "alteranative" music in general of course you wont like it, but if you do, I bet you'd like it. And I bet it surprises the hell ouf of you that " this is emo".
And as for the style of clothes and dress? It's just fashion. It's been aound since the 70s
When I was a teenager I did that too, and
I still dress the part.

It was just called punk then.
And holy shit those emo guys are fiiiiiiine. One starts talking to me and I go " uh ,, bluh bbuhhh ahh".....
now go on and tell me that Sreamo sucks