i get that, i just wish they'd drop that extra bounce they do, its totally distracting.. :/
Most things that bounce are distracting to men.

DPRK army women, perhaps unfortunately, don't have a great deal of visible cleavage.
they are cute tho 
btw did you see that short travel-docu, uh, i actually forgot what its called now :S
this american, he visists liberia in one docu, and north korea in another
in north korea he visits this hotel, i think, in the countryside, where this one female worker is SO happy to get ANY visitor, they play ping pong, and chat, and have some drinks, i felt SO sorry for her. she was so cute
and she seemed SO happy to get some company, she almost seemed in love w the visitors. when they left, shes seen in the window, or balcony, i dont remember, waving after them... poor girl :/
No. I've only seen one western documentary where a British-American (with a heavy standard English, posh-Londoner accent) goes to DPR Korea, and sees this tour-guide called Mrs. Pak (who did actually look very visually appealing.) But the guy was a cunt, trying to ask questions to make her knowledge of western culture look backward or outdated, and getting her to say things which would've got her killed. In the end they agreed that despite their differences ideologically (Mr. Pak kept calling him a 'bourgeois bastard'), they are interested both in one thing; the reconciliation of both country's diplomacy for the good of friendship, which wasn't bad. She had extremely good English.
Also, I think Koreans have a habit of taking jobs with bounds of false enthusiasm anyway. My grandfather greeted strangers as if they were relatives when they came in his shops.
this docu was interesting, i was fearing the sort of behaviour you describe
sometimes tho, one cannot but be surprised, like when he went to a restaurant, where they faked a lot of busy tables (with nobody dining there), or the tour-guide took him out dancing, with only the tour-guide

they had fun tho, they got drunk, and sung karaoke
i think the biggest danger w a country like north korea is the comparison to other countries, which more and more becomes inevitable.
the biggest downfall of the soviet union wasnt the oppression or whatever that most people talk about the most, but rather the comparison to western culture.
western culture bombarded the ussr with the message of "be like us! careless, fancy-free, jeans and mickey mouse!", which is of course very tempting. they got a massive grass-is-greener complex, and voila, they converted. now theyre a mafia shithole.