Forgive me for asking but I thought Q/As were in a separate section?
Your introduction thread is a place where we can get to know you. Having a thread that merely announces your presence is a waste.
That's alright. I just don't want to get exterminated for a minor mistake again.
Hi KooJyung. You're the Chris that Peaguy was ranting on and on about? I thought that Peaguy had gotten banned from YouTube for trolling, but maybe he made a new account there.

You won't get exterminated here for a minor mistake. Being banned from here is extremely unlikely unless you are deliberately doing something that could harm the site or bring it down.
Peaguy is one of the few people who actually was banned from here, so his bitterness toward us is understandable. He and a friend of his tried to harm the site and he kept sharing his account information with this friend, who said that she was here to hack the site for him, after he was warned not to.
Pyraxis is correct that we don't have moderators, although there is one forum called the "My Way or the Highway" forum which is "modulated" but that's just for laughs.