I started doing it on Thursday. Letting the water sit and stuff. Yesterday I went out and got some red,white and blue gravel. I'm going to make it republitank! When I go on an off island trip to a store where they have better fish I'm gonna
get a big fat one and name is Rush, name the two my mom is giving me from her tank, Reagan and Nixon, i'll have another one and name it Bush. Than I'll name one AL GORE. Than the republifish can feel all biased and paranoid about gorefish.
I'm going to sanitise my military toys that chuki got for us to burn. We got plenty! so i'll take a helecoper and a tank
than a few army men and i'm set! I need the silicone epoxy stuff thats specail for fish tanks or it'll float and ill get mad.
If the tanks cant go in i' gonna get a fucking teapot anda ceramic elepant. My mom said she's find those for me!
I want a snail as well. My mom had one in the daycare she manages at and that thing was so active. It moved fast.
It would go to the top ofthe tank and freefall. If my snail gets all ADHD like that i'm gonna tap in some of my biphentin