I'm not answering your loaded questions,
Because you have no answer.
I'll do whatever i want. and not feel ashamed for anything I do, 
And you'll end up as some filthy little hobo , lying under a bridge rasping about your "Big fucking peter" whilst everyone else laughs at you. 
Your downfall is imminent , and trust me I can't wait to see you make that whiny emo post on WP , complaining about how little you have. 
No, his emo post at Wankplanet will be how those nasty widdle bullies are picking on him over at I
2. And his 2 friends over there are gonna lap it up and give him all the sympathy he wants.
What Richard really
needs, however, is a good kick in the arse and a 2x4 across the head for being such a truly fucked up loser.
Hell, he even makes Soiledarse look intelligent.