
Author Topic: The Eclair versus eris callout.  (Read 2153 times)

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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #30 on: February 22, 2011, 07:56:16 PM »
.... I hate drugs. I always have, and I always will. To me they show a weakness, that no amount of beating on the chest of "I am so dominant" can extinguish. To me it shows loss of control and far from dominant behaviour. A person who is in control of their life, their actions etc is one I can respect.

You've obviously conflated drug use and enjoyment with drug addiction.

Not to mention the fact that if you drink alcohol, or have ever used prescription drugs, you're being a huge hypocrite here.

I smoke pot for the same reason that I drink alcohol. I like the feeling it gives me. After a hard day's work, I like to get fucked up, it makes life more enjoyable. Not to mention that pot helps me with stomach/nausea issues. If I get really drunk at a party, I can't go to sleep because I will get the spins and throw up. I've also throw up in my sleep on 2 occasions. Smoking a joint prevents that. I don't have to worry about choking to death in my own vomit.

Now how can you claim that I'm "not in control" of my life, and that I'm showing weakness by ingesting intoxicating substances?? I'm not addicted to either, I'm not being irresponsible, I don't use either in excess to endanger my health, etc, etc, etc.

That's not to say everyone isn't on their own journey, but I will never, and I mean never, respect someone for drug use and it conveys weakness to me. End of story.

In other words, you can't defend that statement.  ::)


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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #31 on: February 23, 2011, 12:53:26 PM »
I can see this REALLY pissed her off  :laugh:


Ahh, you keep bumping threads Bitch Tits, as my daughters would say.

You cried about me logging off last week, please, if you are going to do a call out, do it properly, otherwise, take a long toke, feel sorry for yourself, and try to berate those who have tried their best in their lives....accuse them of being 'over confident' if you will.

Sorry, if I had better things to do in my thirties than to scour the internet for sex and play pretend Domme, when really I should have been trying to get my shit together...oops, did I say that...

wow, I REALLY pissed you off, huh

try to get over it



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Re: The Eclair versus eris callout.
« Reply #32 on: February 23, 2011, 11:44:50 PM »
I don't think arguing anymore will accomplish anything, we have each made our point.  It has obviously just got down to personal attacks and , to me, that is just not classy.

I'll keep posting it all here, though, to keep everything straight.

Believe it or not, I really don't like arguing on the internet.

Hope it was entertaining, boys  ;)

when really I should have been trying to get my shit together.
Always took it as a given that people who really have their shit together don't hang in places like this. No offense to the membership; just saying.

You are here, too.

I've said it before, I usually come here when I am stressed and need to relax. The by product of that is that I say things off the top of my head, and it amazes me that people who call me a subtle bitch, don't get the context that my thoughts come out a certain way.

I'd even bet that if I was a guy, half the things I said wouldn't be taken as 'bitchy'.

I don't have to measure my words here, and that is the beauty of the site...seriously, here's my perfect IRL example:

Me, meeting workfriends for dinner. See lovely girl from work, who I don't know very well, and she looks gorgeous, amazing in this beautiful top. Of course, in hindsight, the appropriate thing to have said was...'I love your top, you look great'.

No, I say, "I suppose you think you look hot in that top".

And in all honesty, I did not, seriously did not realise the way that it may have sounded to her. I mean, I was thinking 'wow, she should be thinking she's smoking hot in that top, because she is'.

Perfect example.

I just think instead of eeris focusing on internet people and not liking them because of something they said and continually stalking them, she should focus on getting her shit together than criticising me and actually showing herself to be the one who is bitchy for no reason. I am pretty happy with things I've done in my life,if me coming here to relax is an issue and risking hurting sensitive types like eeris, maybe she is focusing on the wrong thing, and should build her own self esteem was my point.

I just think instead of eeris focusing on internet people and not liking them because of something they said and continually stalking them, she should focus on getting her shit together
