Games. I just don't get the point of 99% of them, whether they're board games, card games,
party games or video games. My brain resists learning them. I don't see what's fun about them. 
the simpler ones that depend on dice are mindless which is why i like them. there are some games (blokus and rumis). we also have a game called quarto where talking isn't necessary. i also have a collection of games that turn multiple player games into single player games. my sister used to give them to me for christmas.
the more complicated games that require multiple kinds of dice, counters, cards and strategy defeat me, though if assisted i can play them. we have a game called doom that is mostly self explanatory and makes us laugh. the point of the game is to have your people die in the most horrible of ways. part of the reason of games is social interaction. this helps people like me who need something in between me and the people with whom i am supposed to interact. if it's just talk and it's people who like to just talk i am lost. i usually head for the room where the other guys are hiding. there we push each other's buttons and take turns glazing over or being the glazer.
i am lucky to have a partner who likes board games and is willing to help me with the harder ones. we have a really hard and long one based on the webcomic order of the stick that even defeats her (takes 'way too long to play), and
she can play magic the gathering.