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Re: The admin forum
« Reply #30 on: April 13, 2006, 04:33:03 PM »
I dont know, Ireland is the the computer manufacturing capital of Europe. It has a lot going for it and if this whole Iran thing blows up il be moving there to escape the draft so it is very significant to me ;) What's so big and imortant about Britain anymore, since theyve lost the Empire all they are is the smithers to the USA's Mr Burns.

The USA is great Britain in all but name, they follow the same core values and beliefs as the British Empire held from the enlightenment and liberal thought that  came from the conversion to the protestant faith. So really its just a continuation of something no european power has come close to immitating since the Roman era. Maybe we are a repeat of the imperial era of roman History with the US being the new Byzantium and Britain being the Old decaying western half of the empire

Im sure Ireland is a nice place to live, its got beautiful countryside fantastic geography, rains alot but still. The Irish are just one of the smaller european cultures that have etched out a niche for themselves in the european economy and have a history of being subjegated, exploited and fought for the bigger powers. Maybe on the bright side its good you are a backwater country or you'd of ended up like one of the Balkan countries or a culture like the slovaks


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Re: The admin forum
« Reply #31 on: April 13, 2006, 04:46:24 PM »
Britain also has a history of being taken over by the Normans romans (who couldnt take Scotland) and even by us Scots, the first king of Britain was king of Scotland first. The Scots and the Irish have brought more in the way of technology, intelectuals, poets and inventors than the much bigger England has. You seem to far overrate the British so called 'Empire'. They werent around long enough or powerful enough to be ranked alongside other great empires like the roman one. Even France and Spain had similar and at one point bigger Empires. LMAO @ the desperate attempts to big up the old failing protestant little England arrogance that left you with a little country that is the US's bitch now.

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Re: The admin forum
« Reply #32 on: April 13, 2006, 05:10:03 PM »
Britain also has a history of being taken over by the Normans romans (who couldnt take Scotland) and even by us Scots, the first king of Britain was king of Scotland first. The Scots and the Irish have brought more in the way of technology, intelectuals, poets and inventors than the much bigger England has. You seem to far overrate the British so called 'Empire'. They werent around long enough or powerful enough to be ranked alongside other great empires like the roman one. Even France and Spain had similar and at one point bigger Empires. LMAO @ the desperate attempts to big up the old failing protestant little England arrogance that left you with a little country that is the US's bitch now.

The Spanish, Portuguese and French Empires were no way near the same size as the British Colonial Empire, nor have their cultural identities such as their language become significant world wide establishments. English is the 2nd most common spoken language on this planet for a reason.

The Bretons who were forced out by the Angles and Saxons, then the vikings who were then defeated by a Saxon king then by a Norman, indirectly Viking King is fine by me because guess what. I am Norman and my surname is a Norman name making me have nordic origins and lets face it you pansy boy celts were nothing compared to the picts who even the romans feared, and guess who they bowed and scraped and paid tribute too for 3 centuries? The Saxon kingdom of Northumbria HAHAHAA!!!  ;D So yeah 3 centuries of cock sucking anglo-saxons before the well cultured vikings show up in 1066 and PWN the saxons

When my decendants landed on this island and won the battle of Hastings we took this country in the right direction or it would of remained a battlefield between the Nordic and Gaelic teams.

You over rate Ireland to a point were insecurity of your heritage seeps through. Yes youve got all these bards and songs and writings, dance and culture that go back several 1000 years or so. But you were all too eager to throw your religion in the trash bin...a jewish sect known as christianity came on the scene and suddenly your all devout catholics, sir francis of a ceecee indeed, bloody tree hugging hippy no wonder you celts liked him.

For the record the only nation to of had a bigger empire on this planet then the United Kingdom was probably the Mongolian Khanite and even then that lasted what? A century at best though it was crumbling as soon as Ghengas died. French Empire? Didn't make them enough money and they got PWND by the people they conquered. Spain and Portugal...well Portugal practically lost it all after the Napoleonic wars, Spain had a good start but began a rapid decent into decline at a time when we thrived.

Every generation has its Greeks and Romans as the saying goes.

The United States was founded by people who prided themselves as being British Citizens and upholding traditional British Values who saw their government back home as somewhere which had lost its way and become tainted in greed. Its a fundamental point that you miss the significance of the kind of ideological thought that came from the Englightenment period of history which shines through in your argument and irrationale attempt to winde up someone based on my nationlistic pride, ive only one grand parent who has a history in this country so im hardly one to be "rule britannia" on everyones ass

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Re: The admin forum
« Reply #33 on: April 13, 2006, 05:13:12 PM »
I also blame Ireland for Guinesses


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Re: The admin forum
« Reply #34 on: April 13, 2006, 05:31:12 PM »
Shut up Jew boy, Ireland has held on to catholicism all this time whereas the British sheep changed religions to suit the crown. Look how long it took the Jews to get a home for themselves. The British Empire was one that couldlnt take over Nepal and your trying to make out that they owned the world. They crumbled everytime there was serious opposition. Germany could have wiped both sides of your ancestory off the map if it was a straight fight between them. The US had a very mixed uprising, there was plenty of French, Irish and Scottish people fighting on both sides. England (like Israel now) was just a country that had been took over without any fight so always take might to mean right without any opposition. They are uncle toms who decided to be the big boys after theie owners faded away.

Offline Praetor

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Re: The admin forum
« Reply #35 on: April 13, 2006, 05:52:41 PM »
Shut up Jew boy, Ireland has held on to catholicism all this time whereas the British sheep changed religions to suit the crown. Look how long it took the Jews to get a home for themselves. The British Empire was one that couldlnt take over Nepal and your trying to make out that they owned the world. They crumbled everytime there was serious opposition. Germany could have wiped both sides of your ancestory off the map if it was a straight fight between them. The US had a very mixed uprising, there was plenty of French, Irish and Scottish people fighting on both sides. England (like Israel now) was just a country that had been took over without any fight so always take might to mean right without any opposition. They are uncle toms who decided to be the big boys after theie owners faded away.

Ah so you worship the wannabe jew religion, gotta love the sado-masachism and rampant irish priest peadofilia that goes hand in hand with that. The whole ancient alien ideology is only 150 years old anyway theres actually a moral, ethical and theological debate within the jewish community whether a jewish state is an act of heresy. Infact some Rabbie preach not to vote in Israeli elections and claim that the Torah forbids a ancient alien state in the first place so there you go but I wouldn't get yourself involved in jewish politics its an absolute mess and a minefield of ideology. Shame the good name of jews is being tarnished by the IDF commiting acts that Stalin and Hitler would approve.

The Supposed British sheep had alot of conflict that went on right till the end of Charles II with regards to the conversion to Protestant, so yeah the population really took it down easy bud. Thats what? 300 years of internal strife? Yeah easy change that was, what have the Irish done apart from fight each other or fight other people they never met for the British? Yeah thats about the highlight of Irelands achievements being the bully boys for the British Empire. There have been intellectuals of Scottish, Welsh, Irish, English and many other nationalities within this country who have contributed to the progress of technology and the understanding of science nicely Asshimilated by the British into their scheme of things (bit like the romans there) The yanks have taken this a step further, practically the only 100% sole americain invention is Evaporated milk, thats it.

Im suprised you mentioned Nepal, why not Afghanistan (see the modern link) or the Zulu war (guys with guns get PWND by spearmen)

Germany could have wiped both sides of your ancestory off the map if it was a straight fight between them

 ;D The logic breaks down here bud. Germans, well seeing as the modern state of germany is 150 years old and before then was a confederation and before then was a loose coalition of dutchies etc they took awhile getting their act together. And Germany also includes ...well hold on Angles and Saxons (Saxony anyone?) So they score an own goal there really. An WTF do you mean by a "straight fight" i mean since when has war been fair and evenly balanced for a start. See maybe this is why the irish never won anything meaningful in the last 1000 years apart from a friendly in Football  :laugh:

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Re: The admin forum
« Reply #36 on: April 13, 2006, 06:05:33 PM »
Now to the issue of Military achievements. The army has always been 2nd rate compared to the Navy, and as an Island nation it kinda saves us alot of money and cleaning up job if we stop the invaders landing on the shore by sinking them at sea, maybe Ireland could of learned that lesson, but oh no least said for the Irish Navy.

Nah the British Army has only really been a superior force at about one moment in history and that was just prior to the napoleonic wars, also around the time we had one of our best Generals too. After the modern German state was created the Prussian military traditions held alot of influnece in the way there army was organised and built so in military terms they were pretty much the top dog right till world war 2 ended. Incidents like the charge of the light brigade in the crimea war (first multi-national military force operation) and the entire Great war experiance pretty much gave the army a good kick up the arse it deserved not to mention all the colonial fuck ups in Africa and India. The german army from the war with france in the 19th century upon german unification founded by Otto Von Bismark was the pioneer in military tactics right through to world war 2, however as a naval power they could never succesfully compete with Britain for an empire


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Re: The admin forum
« Reply #37 on: April 13, 2006, 06:20:57 PM »
THe British got their religion changed for them every time a royal decided it so. Ireland and some Scottish islands were the only areas of the UK to resist that to this day. The IRA were the most advanced guerilla army of their day. The Americans in their war of independance (and British in ww2) admired and copied these tactics. Worldwide resistance groups have copied and recieved training from the Provisional IRA. I dont think that Jews have ever had a good name anywhere as far as i can recall.

NAme a great man or woman in history and chances are you will find Irish heritage in the mix somewhere ( Che Gueverra and Mohhamed Ali, for instance ). What i meant about the Germans and British having a straight fight (and i think you know this smartass) is that the British would have got owned if WW2 was just between tham and the jerrys. The Republic of Ireland beat England at more than a friendly, like in the football European championship of 1988 they beat them 1-0, for instance. Let's take things closer to home. My family has a proud history of fighting both for and against the British crown (in ww2 when it was for a greater good, they wouldnt fight for the brits in other circumstances). Their exploits have been documented in both books and newspapers. Im glad i have had a traditional ?Roman Catholic and Celtic minded upbringing as it has stood me in good stead to have manners. Most of the protestants, Jews and muslims im surrounded by seem to lack this gentlemanly conduct, they are more like animals. 8)

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Re: The admin forum
« Reply #38 on: April 13, 2006, 06:53:08 PM »
I dont think that Jews have ever had a good name anywhere as far as i can recall.

Ah the old anti-semite is coming out of you


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Re: The admin forum
« Reply #39 on: April 13, 2006, 06:55:58 PM »
Oh right, you can slag off the dirty Irish to the high heavens but the Jews are untouchable. Sorry if this upsets you but i dont do PC to keep up with the Jones's.

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Re: The admin forum
« Reply #40 on: April 13, 2006, 07:23:48 PM »
THe British got their religion changed for them every time a royal decided it so

The state religion was protestant from the time of Henry VIII, I can think of times of crisis were the monarch tried to bring the country back towards catholic influence but didn't quite work for one reason or another and half the time was opposed by their own subjects.

After the civil war got rid of Charlie mk 1 charlie mk2 and his kid james tried to one last time bring things back catholic and thats where we all got fed up and just made parliment have more power then he did knocked off the stewarts and we got the current German line. So it didn't really change with each head of state there were just some that thought they could convert the majority of their kingdom back to catholic and they found out otherwise. The power of the soveriegn was never as overwhelming as say the Tsar of Russia in running the state after Henry VIII despite the attempts of some

The Americans in their war of independance (and British in ww2) admired and copied these tactics. Worldwide resistance groups have copied and recieved training from the Provisional IRA.

And the IRA didn't just invent those tactics overnight Gurillia warfare is discussed in depth in the Sun Tzu and is a military tactic which spans most of human history. Don't tell me an Irishman went across the silk road and bought a copy to take back home with him, Guinesses does its magic again.

NAme a great man or woman in history and chances are you will find Irish heritage in the mix somewhere ( Che Gueverra and Mohhamed Ali, for instance )

Mohamed Ali was a draft dodger who could punch someone in a ring....fantastic feat of achievement there

old Che as much as i love the fella didn't really get anywhere in what he was trying to do for south america, hell he buggered off to the carribean

What i meant about the Germans and British having a straight fight (and i think you know this smartass) is that the British would have got owned if WW2 was just between tham and the jerrys

Well from mid 1940 to june 1941 it was just them and Germany and if that was the case then the Afrika Korps should of been driving all the way to Baghdad (common theme going on there) but aye they got PWND at el Alamaine

but ok lets got with a scenario its just germany and england 1939 go....Kriegsmarine absolutely tiny compared to the royal navy armed forces can't walk water even with air superiority an invasion of britain is not achievable due to the overwhelming strength the royal navy has so it wouldn't be that exciting a war, italy wouldn't be involved so no rommel in afrika so a pretty stale mate boring war really.

Let's take things closer to home. My family has a proud history of fighting both for and against the British crown (in ww2 when it was for a greater good, they wouldnt fight for the brits in other circumstances). Their exploits have been documented in both books and newspapers.

Oh no a family dick whagging contest.

Ironically theres alot of fighting in my family too and not on the sides you think. Well being a decendant of william the conqueror and my family name at its peak being a nobl household which controlled the counties known as Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire involved in alot of fighting the war of the roses and also in trying to undermine the tudor kings to bring back a Norman ruler and Oliver Cromwell was part of the family tree, good buddy of ours shame we ultimatly lost that one but its all written in various books about the family (and catholic oh the irony)., having a decendant who emmigrated to the united states and co-founded General Motors in detroit and a host of other enterpreneurs (SP?) various locations around the states named after my ancestors,


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Re: The admin forum
« Reply #41 on: April 13, 2006, 07:39:26 PM »
I think your doing a fair bit of twisting facts there , Praetor. The anglo-saxons have changed from catholic to protestant to back again and so forth on the whim of the monarch. The guerilla tactics werent magicked up by the Irish but it is well documented that the likes of Churchill and other leaders of ground warfare, were in admiration of the IRA's tactics and learned from them. They are the most succesful small civilian army in history in regards to pioneering techniques and execution of these techniques.

Your denigration of the skillful art of boxing and of the achievements of people like Mohhamed Ali and Che Gueverra have confirmed to me that you know shit about reality. Just because you can do more in the way of wining wars and tasks with computer men than these people done in real life doesnt mean that you have a grasp on the reality of greatness. You seem to be a bit quiet on the warriors that your family has produced in the last century, care to elaborate?

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Re: The admin forum
« Reply #42 on: April 13, 2006, 08:00:58 PM »
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Re: The admin forum
« Reply #43 on: April 13, 2006, 08:01:18 PM »
think your doing a fair bit of twisting facts there , Praetor. The anglo-saxons have changed from catholic to protestant to back again and so forth on the whim of the monarch

A twist of facts does not mean going against what your IRA information pamphlet says  :laugh:
You clearly over simplify this period of time, religious beliefs were a very serious issue and just because a king or queen either secretly or in some cases openly was catholic did not mean the entire heard swapped at whim. The conversion to the protestant and abandonment of the catholic church and the destruction of the monastaries was not some kind of switch that could be clicked back and forth like a light bulb its a complex event that has had a profound effect on this country. The protestants were already entrenched in England before this and they simply became the minority with the power and privelages and people slowly swapped over to this faith and catholicism became the minority. When catholic monarchs tried to reverse this process they would meet resistance from not only the population but also within the courts and politics and eventually the ideologies that came along from it began to change the society along with it.

Ironically the catholics efforts are what eventually lead to the parliment of this country having more power then the monarch and the sovereign becoming the figurehead that exists today with no real power. The people of this country were just fed up with the stewarts and went for some german protestant instead.

Thats not some twist of facts that some cold blooded realities of the world of the 14th-17th century

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Re: The admin forum
« Reply #44 on: April 13, 2006, 08:03:03 PM »
documented that the likes of Churchill and other leaders of ground warfare, were in admiration of the IRA's tactics and learned from them

Churchill ground warfare? He was head of the admirality for a start ::) :laugh: