Do you see me as being dishonest?
I guess I just don't understand why it's a problem for some people
Personally I think it is demeaning yes - I would never refer to a woman as "he" just because she had been born male or was XY. It would feel rude and disrespectful
I think you are identifying with something that you feel and is true and important for you. Is that dishonest? Nope.
I identify very strongly with being an Aussie. This is far more than me knowing or appreciating that I was born in Australia. I identify and associate very strongly to many things real, true or not that associate with "being an Aussie". It doesn't matter a damn if I am viewing these things under bias or rose coloured glasses or whether my concept is weird or different to every other Aussie alive or dead. It is important to me and I don't give a damn who shares that with me. It is personal.
I think it would be rude and disrespectful for anyone to judge me unkindly for not agreeing to call them the pronoun associated with anything other than their biological makeup/birth. I think that is forcing their concepts of gender on me. I think I ought to be entitled to my position.
Why should it matter? I am sure a transexual's identity and position is a personal one. Why would they care or think to change anyone else's position on how they must address and identify with them?