
Author Topic: Semicolon calls out Heinrich!  (Read 2427 times)

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Re: Semicolon calls out Heinrich!
« Reply #45 on: January 13, 2011, 10:07:28 AM »
I have no problem with the topics. Some I find interesting and will answer. Some I think I have seen twenty times before in different guises, and I'll skip them. The title tells me to read or not read.
And I even managed to leave topics untouched now. I am  :viking:
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

Offline 'Butterflies'

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Re: Semicolon calls out Heinrich!
« Reply #46 on: January 13, 2011, 02:47:38 PM »
I don't get why people wouldn't like my poltics threads. The reason I usually ddon't post my opinion much in the OP is because I want to see what other people say first, before I get into a debate or argument. I mean I already have my opinions obviously, but don't just wanna state my opinion and then have everyone replying in relation th what I said myself, if that makes sense. I want to see what people's opinions are from having only read the question (and any link I provided). Instead of reading my opinion first and then responding to that. I dunno if I'm explaining myself well. That makes it more interesting for me anyway

The aeroplane spam is infintile compared to my mediocre politics spam. If someone else posted a load of poltics threads like mine, I'd be happy. Lots of new things to discuss, even if they'd been discussed before (not everyone who currently posts here has been around for previous debates)

I have no problem with your politics threads. I think it's good to see peoples opinions, and it livens up the site. I even have my own question, that I'd like to see people answer. I'll start a thread as soon as I've had my bath.