Author Topic: What would you do if someone told you they  (Read 1547 times)

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Re: What would you do if someone told you they
« Reply #30 on: January 21, 2011, 06:44:02 AM »
SHOULD they? Obviously I don't think they should

Would they? Maybe

I don't understand why anyone would love someone who tortured cats though

Also I'm not a danger to anyone innocent - they are

What if the cat killer was someone who didn't really understand the consequences of their actions?

The person who witnessed you murder their child might think that a vigilante like you was a danger to society.

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Re: What would you do if someone told you they
« Reply #31 on: January 21, 2011, 06:46:41 AM »
Anyone who tortures cats is scum, whether they're retarded or not. I wouldn';t kill a CHILD who did it though.

What about someone who's kids were murdered and wife was raped by someone? If they killed the murderer/rapist, should the murderer/rapists's parents kill them back?

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Re: What would you do if someone told you they
« Reply #32 on: January 21, 2011, 08:08:26 AM »
Wow you bastards would drop me in it. Fuckers

What, you'd be willing to kill based on your own judgment, but not willing to defend that judgment in court?
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

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Re: What would you do if someone told you they
« Reply #33 on: January 21, 2011, 08:33:15 AM »
I think that cats should all replace the clays that they use in clay shooting.




(Disclaimer: I am not much of an animal person)
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

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Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

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Offline Adam

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Re: What would you do if someone told you they
« Reply #34 on: January 21, 2011, 08:40:47 AM »
Wow you bastards would drop me in it. Fuckers

What, you'd be willing to kill based on your own judgment, but not willing to defend that judgment in court?

Yep. My judgment obviously would not save me in court, would it?


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Re: What would you do if someone told you they
« Reply #35 on: January 21, 2011, 09:28:22 AM »
People are animals though. And a person like that is easily lower than a cat

Maybe the cat just ate his pet hamster, in pure agony, he kills the cat. What then? That cat deserves to die? The revenging human deserves to die? and the dog of that human deserves to cut the throat of the human who did that human kill?
It would start a blood feud between differing tribes of humans, dogs and cats.  :headbang2: :viking:

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Re: What would you do if someone told you they
« Reply #36 on: January 21, 2011, 06:52:58 PM »
Yeah I'd seriously suspect their motives. Was it their cat that got tortured, did they just witness it immediately before? You know, all the questions you'd want answered about someone who just, say, discovered their spouse in bed with a lover. That would be some serious impulse control issues.

If it was premeditated, and they sought out and killed this person after having decided it was a capital offense to torture a cat, I'd want some damn good answers. Even if they gave a spiel about animal torturers growing up to be sociopaths or something, there could still be extenuating circumstances, and I'd probably end up reporting them to the cops after safely removing myself from the situation.

Premeditated. When that happens, it's wrong on almost all levels. I may like to watch Dexter, doesn't mean I approve of taking rights in one's own hand. Not when it is because a pet or a loved one has been killed and tortured either.

What people do on impulse, when seeing the torture happen, that is something different. But, wouldn't it be better if they went for saving the assaulted one? If, in that action you kill the perpetrator, I still think it needs to be investigated. Leniency would be appropriate in the verdict, but still, it needs to happen.

Hypothetical, if I killed someone having a torturing go at my kids, protecting them thus, or failing in protecting them. I would want to be questioned and on trial. I would owe it to my kids. They deserve more than a Mum in prison for what has been done to them. The justice would be in making clear what the perpetrator had done.

And what if you have it wrong when you think you kill animal abuser?

You see someone torturing a cat, noose around it's neck, doing nasty things with it's legs. The one doing that runs away, because of you approaching. And you try to release the cat. With an intense look on your face, you try to undo the noose around it's neck. The cat resists as much as it can. It is an awful sight. Then, someone "brave" comes to the fore, with a big pole. He smacks you on the head, and, because you being unconscious isn't good enough for him, he smacks you till your skull is broken and your brain is into a pulp. Animal torturers deserve nothing better than that..... And, he did caught you in the act didn't he? Hands at a noose, and a cat in all states. He was right in killing you, wasn't he?

Side note; in a society where people want their meat as cheap as can be. There is torture and violation of animal rights happening in the meat industry.
If you seriously mean that people who torture animals deserve to die, you should track the meat you want to eat from birth to death, from the egg till the slaughterhouse. If you don't, you may very well be paying someone, who is torturing animals. The meat industry as it is nowadays needs mass culling now and then, and they are far from animal friendly. You have seen the images, some beasts just don't get killed right, and go to destruction half alive. There is transport from pigs all through Europe packed in trucks in summer, overheated standing in traffic jams, to make it possible that all Parma ham is coming from Parma indeed. That are the mild forms of animal pestering. It can be worse. Track your meat, if you are serious about this Soph. Make sure it dies at ease before getting slaughtered.

I will not turn a blind eye to someone killing someone else. I do turn a blind eye to some mishaps in animal industry, I buy my milk cheap. I buy free range eggs, but everyone knows that that is a farce. I do hate torture of animals, and I even feel kind of guilty when I hang sticky ribbons in summer, if there is an infestation of houseflies. And when I drown wasps in a lemonade trap.

And hamsters and instinct. An owner can have the instinct to try to protect loved pets. I have seen people react vehemently towards cats, because their birds were attacked. Those humans acted on instinct too. Instinct doesn't make everything right. There are plenty of people trying to get away with things, telling they can't help doing it, it is their instinct.
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Re: What would you do if someone told you they
« Reply #37 on: January 22, 2011, 04:42:03 AM »
People are animals though. And a person like that is easily lower than a cat

Maybe the cat just ate his pet hamster, in pure agony, he kills the cat. What then? That cat deserves to die? The revenging human deserves to die? and the dog of that human deserves to cut the throat of the human who did that human kill?
It would start a blood feud between differing tribes of humans, dogs and cats.  :headbang2: :viking:

Just don't piss off any guinea pigs in the process. They look  sweet, but they'll shriek at you till your ears bleed!  :ner:
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Re: What would you do if someone told you they
« Reply #38 on: January 22, 2011, 04:55:34 AM »
ok but if you were pretty sure they were telling the truth?

What about if you witnessed it?

I don't like people torturing defenseless animals so I wouldn't do a thing.


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Re: What would you do if someone told you they
« Reply #39 on: February 14, 2011, 09:59:45 AM »
if someone told you they had killed someone who tortured cats

for example what if I told you IRL that I had done that (no this isn't a confession - I havan't killed anyone ever lol)

would you grass me up?

I'd think it was cool of them, if it was truthworthy.

Offline Eclair

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Re: What would you do if someone told you they
« Reply #40 on: February 14, 2011, 10:01:58 AM »
People are animals though. And a person like that is easily lower than a cat

Maybe the cat just ate his pet hamster, in pure agony, he kills the cat. What then? That cat deserves to die? The revenging human deserves to die? and the dog of that human deserves to cut the throat of the human who did that human kill?
It would start a blood feud between differing tribes of humans, dogs and cats.  :headbang2: :viking:

Just don't piss off any guinea pigs in the process. They look  sweet, but they'll shriek at you till your ears bleed!  :ner:

Yeah, ours used to go crazy in the morning for food. They can be incredibly demanding with that annoying shriek!

Offline "couldbecousin"

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Re: What would you do if someone told you they
« Reply #41 on: February 14, 2011, 08:34:30 PM »
People are animals though. And a person like that is easily lower than a cat

Maybe the cat just ate his pet hamster, in pure agony, he kills the cat. What then? That cat deserves to die? The revenging human deserves to die? and the dog of that human deserves to cut the throat of the human who did that human kill?
It would start a blood feud between differing tribes of humans, dogs and cats.  :headbang2: :viking:

Just don't piss off any guinea pigs in the process. They look  sweet, but they'll shriek at you till your ears bleed!  :ner:

Yeah, ours used to go crazy in the morning for food. They can be incredibly demanding with that annoying shriek!

I used to lie very still in bed in the morning if I was still too tired to get up,
because as soon as my two guinea pigs heard the covers rustle, they'd start shrieking!  :laugh:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

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Offline Eclair

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Re: What would you do if someone told you they
« Reply #42 on: February 14, 2011, 08:44:17 PM »
People are animals though. And a person like that is easily lower than a cat

Maybe the cat just ate his pet hamster, in pure agony, he kills the cat. What then? That cat deserves to die? The revenging human deserves to die? and the dog of that human deserves to cut the throat of the human who did that human kill?
It would start a blood feud between differing tribes of humans, dogs and cats.  :headbang2: :viking:

Just don't piss off any guinea pigs in the process. They look  sweet, but they'll shriek at you till your ears bleed!  :ner:

Yeah, ours used to go crazy in the morning for food. They can be incredibly demanding with that annoying shriek!

I used to lie very still in bed in the morning if I was still too tired to get up,
because as soon as my two guinea pigs heard the covers rustle, they'd start shrieking:laugh:

I know!!! We used to practice being as quiet as we could, like literally sneaking in the kitchen....even having a laundry between us and a good few metres couldn't stop their supersonic hearing. They used to amaze us...we'd be gobsmacked that they knew we were floating around.

Offline "couldbecousin"

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Re: What would you do if someone told you they
« Reply #43 on: February 14, 2011, 08:51:42 PM »
People are animals though. And a person like that is easily lower than a cat

Maybe the cat just ate his pet hamster, in pure agony, he kills the cat. What then? That cat deserves to die? The revenging human deserves to die? and the dog of that human deserves to cut the throat of the human who did that human kill?
It would start a blood feud between differing tribes of humans, dogs and cats.  :headbang2: :viking:

Just don't piss off any guinea pigs in the process. They look  sweet, but they'll shriek at you till your ears bleed!  :ner:

Yeah, ours used to go crazy in the morning for food. They can be incredibly demanding with that annoying shriek!

I used to lie very still in bed in the morning if I was still too tired to get up,
because as soon as my two guinea pigs heard the covers rustle, they'd start shrieking:laugh:

I know!!! We used to practice being as quiet as we could, like literally sneaking in the kitchen....even having a laundry between us and a good few metres couldn't stop their supersonic hearing. They used to amaze us...we'd be gobsmacked that they knew we were floating around.

For simple little animals, they are incredibly determined! My older one had surgery to remove a cyst,
and to keep his stitches covered during the healing process, I made him a little bodysuit out of an old sock.
Well, it seemed like a good idea, but that little rascal, with his tiny legs, wiggled out of it in seconds every time I put it on him!  :heart:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

"We are grateful for the time we have been given."
--- Edward Walker, The Village

People forget.
--- The Who, "Eminence Front"


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Re: What would you do if someone told you they
« Reply #44 on: February 14, 2011, 08:55:25 PM »
I gave beer to my pet snake, it was slithering this way and that. It was all fucked up!!