
Author Topic: OK, Let's do it again. Why do you Brits have such retarded, faggotty gun laws?  (Read 21445 times)

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Offline 'Butterflies'

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I guess some people just can't handle a bit of piss-taking :dunno:

TBH PPK is cool. I think he's got the wrong end of the stick on this occasion though, but you can't really blame him. He wasn't online when DD was up to his nonsense. If you look at this thread retrospectively it maybe doesn't look too bad for DD. If he was online while it was going on he might have seen the crap DD was pulling, and the fact that he was deliberately avoiding answering my questions.

Offline Adam

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I  meant DD. I think he is too sensitive to some things

Offline 'Butterflies'

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I  meant DD. I think he is too sensitive to some things

Oh. Hell yeah. DDis flipped. Too I would say Im too sensitive but DD brings sensitivity to new levels. He could be a cool guy if he didnt keep losing it at nice people. I think even Cbc and QV have had to deal with his BS , although I might be wrong. They seem like two of the sweetest people on the site.


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I  meant DD. I think he is too sensitive to some things

Oh. Hell yeah. DDis flipped. Too I would say Im too sensitive but DD brings sensitivity to new levels. He could be a cool guy if he didnt keep losing it at nice people. I think even Cbc and QV have had to deal with his BS , although I might be wrong. They seem like two of the sweetest people on the site.

DD is getting old and is a bit cranky sometimes. He means well, but is also passionate about things he feels are right. If he got a little over the top, it could be that he felt you were just a presumptious youngin' without his real life experience. He's had to use guns to defend himself, as have I.

Offline 'Butterflies'

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I  meant DD. I think he is too sensitive to some things

Oh. Hell yeah. DDis flipped. Too I would say Im too sensitive but DD brings sensitivity to new levels. He could be a cool guy if he didnt keep losing it at nice people. I think even Cbc and QV have had to deal with his BS , although I might be wrong. They seem like two of the sweetest people on the site.

DD is getting old and is a bit cranky sometimes. He means well, but is also passionate about things he feels are right. If he got a little over the top, it could be that he felt you were just a presumptious youngin' without his real life experience. He's had to use guns to defend himself, as have I.

I really don't have a problem with guns. I actually enjoy playing with them. I also have no problem with America. I do disagree with some of it's politics, but then, I disagree with a lot of British politics. I just joined in the first debate because I enjoy a good debate. Personall I wouldn't want to live in a society where everyone has the right to arm themselves, but as it's illegal for most people here to own a gun, it is not an issue for me. If Americans want the right to shoot each other up with their guns, then that's fine by me. I have no reason to care what the laws on guns are in a foreign country.

The only problem I have is with DerpDawg. I found his comments nasty, and I found him choosing not to address my concerns pathetic. I find his comments towards everybody on the site that he disagrees with to be nasty and OTT. I've tried on one or two occasions to find out if I was just failling to get his sense of humour, but he never responded, which leaves me to assume that he is for real. I have no problem with people disagreeing with my opinions, and I am happy to listen to other peoples reasons for disagreeing with me. Hell, they might even change my mind if they put forward a good argument. However, responding to everyone you disagree with in insults is not cool in my eyes, and I will continue to criticize him any time he responds to me, or somebody I like in a nasty manner.


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Fair enough.


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Offline Squidusa

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The only problem I have is with DerpDawg.


I found his comments nasty, and I found him choosing not to address my concerns pathetic. I find his comments towards everybody on the site that he disagrees with to be nasty and OTT.

Honestly he's just like an older version of Pentagram in that way.



I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  

Offline Queen Victoria

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Yeah, DD went off on me a couple of times and did apologize after explanations and apologies on my part.  Anyway, I am presuming that he's paid a hell of a lot of dues along the way and led an interesting life.  Part of that life may be catching up with his body now and he doesn't want to "go quietly into the night." 

Also, it's good to remember that autism, like most conditions, is a spectrum.  Just as everyone's cancer or cold is different so is the autism that affects us.  You may be a .25 in facial recognition, while I may be a .39, but we both have autism.  I just cut him some slack and try to remember to put LOL behind any funny posts directed at him so he'll know I'm fooling around.
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


Offline Adam

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Being autistic is no excuse for being pathetic


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He went off on me once cause I was talking about not dreaming in a thread that wasnt about dreaming  :thumbdn:

Offline Adam

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I think he might be losing it in his old age... going senile?  :dunno:

Offline 'Butterflies'

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Yeah, DD went off on me a couple of times and did apologize after explanations and apologies on my part.  Anyway, I am presuming that he's paid a hell of a lot of dues along the way and led an interesting life.  Part of that life may be catching up with his body now and he doesn't want to "go quietly into the night." 

Also, it's good to remember that autism, like most conditions, is a spectrum.  Just as everyone's cancer or cold is different so is the autism that affects us.  You may be a .25 in facial recognition, while I may be a .39, but we both have autism.  I just cut him some slack and try to remember to put LOL behind any funny posts directed at him so he'll know I'm fooling around.

There is no doubt, you are right, and I wish I had your attitude. Sadly, I don't. I just lack the ability to turn the other cheek. I know this is a problem for me, and over the years it has resulted in a good few beatings. I really don't think I'm capable of changing.

I know what you mean about all of our AS affecting us in different ways. Once again you are right. I thought myself that DerpDawg was just perhaps a bit more Aspie than the rest of us. If he came out and explained that his AS makes him act like a total dick, and that he was unable to control it, then I would cut him some slack. He hasn't, and therefore I cannot make allowances for him. Even if it is true, and he has more severe AS, and that makes his posts seem a bit nasty, it is no excuse for deliberately ignoring my polite questions at the beginning of the thread. I find it hard to believe that his AS is responsible for his ignoring my posts. That would appear to be down 100% to ignorance.

Offline Adam

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Maybe his dementia made him forget to reply

Offline 'Butterflies'

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He went off on me once cause I was talking about not dreaming in a thread that wasnt about dreaming  :thumbdn:

Do you believe his "attitude" is an attempt at humour? I have been undecided ever since I joined this site, but am getting more sick of him with every post of his I read. I have tried to find this out off of him, but have met with no success.

Maybe his dementia made him forget to reply

No, he seemed happy to reply to Semicolons post, although his reply made little sense :dunno: