So... It is your opinion that having a gun makes no difference to the likelyhood of you committing the act of murder?
I've owned 20+ guns for 20+ years and I've already murdered all the people I wanted to. The grand total? Zero. 
Personally as someone who owns guns and has been around guns from the time I was small, "if" I ever decided to murder someone I would choose poison.
Shooting is far too messy.
As an avid gardener I have a variety of plants that would do the job and be far less traceable as to origin.
The black market is alive and well in the US and I doubt any measures to contain it will make much of a difference. When their is a lack of supply for something due to fact that it can no longer be obtained legally, their will always be someone waiting in the corner to cash in on that "lack". Prohibition made a lot of people rich, or they deemed the risk of getting caught well worth the money anyways.
Some of us here live in the middle of nowhere, we don't have CCTV camera's waiting around every corner, the security of living in a gated community, neighborhood watch, some don't even have a "local" police force due to corruption or lack of funding the duties have been farmed out to the next closest community, and maybe every 3rd person we know is hooked on something or has kids that are.
There are responsible gun owners here that have invested in guns the way people in other countries buy gold coins, cars, or jewelry. My father was one, and he owned some very expensive "investments".
Some hand down their investments from generation to generation...taking little johnny or sue out on their first squirrel hunt with the .22 their great-great grandfather used. It is more than a tool of self-defense or violence here, it's a past-time, a hobby, and for some a tradition, no matter how others may view it.
So we outlaw guns tomorrow, and only the outlaws now have guns...and I bring in my collection "possibly" worth more than my car and get a voucher for a free ice cream sundae and a pat on the head telling me what a great, responsible citizen I am for helping reduce the rates of gun violence. Then I go home and fall asleep secure that my baseball bat will save me if some illegally gun toting drug addict breaks into my house at 3:00 am like they have so often around here.
I don't think so.